Are we living our dreams?


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
I hear you on decluttering! I'm working on that. Still....
good luck on the property search!


Almost Self-Reliant
Jun 11, 2010
Reaction score
Lafourche Parish, LA
When I was about 13, my parents were running a trailer park, with about 32 trailers, a bunkhouse (which is now home) that housed about 25 men, and even had 50, in 2 separate shifts, at one time and a little apartment. One of the tenants was actually the sheriff of a county, somewhere in MS. He came here for work....on a pipeline (now I always wandered how he didn't get in trouble for spending half his time in Louisiana, working on a pipeline). Well, one day we went on a road trip to see 2 separate former tenants, in MS and the sheriff's wife sends the girls to the store for pasta, so we invited to go for the ride. Okay.....I'm a Cajun. My whole life has been connected to a bayou. I go up the bayou or down the bayou. If I walk in the woods, I'm walking away from the bayou, toward another bayou and I know the name of that one too. So here I am, in a pine forest, on a dirt road, going in circles, real fast, in a jeep, driven by a girl, maybe 2 years older than me. I didn't know where the (*^& I was. I kept looking at my sister. I figured we'd be Okay because she was the sheriff's daughter, but I couldn't believe it really took that many turns and twists to get to the store. All I ever did was travel up or down the bayou. It comes back to me everytime I leave my comfort zone.
Also, the property owners here, mostly own very long, narrow pieces of property, bordering the bayou. When I see property maps from non-bayou regions, the shots are rather strange in shape, but thats cool. Its just it looks like you'd need right of ways to get to your house, etc.
I don't know how y'all navigate, except that y'all have the area memorized and know exactly where to turn off. Our streets are numbered, rather than named, so its obvious that 153rd street will come before 154th. Also, I don't know if I'd ever get used to calling the region I live, ______ County, because I live in Lafourche Parish.
There is actually an area in Tylertown MS that has a growing number of my people. My godson bought a house on 10 acres there, which he would have had to pay much more for the same house on a 1 acre lot here.
I think the small town folk are just leaving because the town has grown too much....too many houses, businesses and vehicles. Used to be you could take some beagles and go rabbit hunting in the sugar cane fields, but now less cane and housing subdivisions are in its place. Same thing with cow pastures. Used to walk in there with a wheelbarrow, to collect fertilizer for the garden and now a bunch of brand new mansions are there.
I don't know what I'll do because right now, seems I'm tied, but I can certainly buy some woods with DS to have a get away, even if we do have to take his teepee when we do it.
DS talks about me and him going in half....either legally owning it all that way or separating it with a surveyer. He says,"We can put Poppa all the way on one end of the property in a nice little shack, set up just for him and you can live all the way on the other end." One thing at a time.
Of course, I keep hearing about men getting laid off.....something is going wrong with the oil field apparently. Gotta just hope the bottom doesn't fall out for everyone here. Things are already getting bad enough as it is.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
It is very strange to move from one area to another where the geographical features are very different. MD was very different from NC where I great up, especially where I moved to first, where the water dictated where the roads did and didn't go. It could take you 15 minutes to get to somewhere that you could see from the street you were on because you had to drive around the water. It was also extremely odd to me to see signs on 95 for cities that were 3 states away. That never happened in NC. The states were so much larger, and the cities were not quite like they are here, where one just bleeds into the next. Very strange! But you do get used to it after a while, I suppose...


Almost Self-Reliant
Jun 11, 2010
Reaction score
Lafourche Parish, LA
DS is not my best friend today. Daddy woke me up early because he was in a jam, so went see about him and basically decided to start removing the carpet, so we can begin putting up walls and lay down flooring. DS is giving me 5 kinds of grief. Basically he doesn't want me taking care of my father.
So did a little home schooling with DD7, until she made me sleepy and I was going to give her and DD11 a recess and I was only maybe 7 minutes into my footrub when DD7 started screaming and came to me with a huge splinter, sticking all the way down her big like half inch in. She was too scared to let me take it out, without DS holding her hands and gave me a bit of trouble to get in the tub and wash it out good. So I think she misses dancing tonight. We will move stuff and rip carpet, because even if DS and I aren't in complete agreement about exactly how to tackle our home improvements, it has to take place and if I get started with clearing the room and floor, then I think I can buy about 30 or so 2X4s tomorrow to construct 2 walls for a room. Amen.
Daddy acted up a little in front of the doctor, like he wants to stay home, but I told him I'm tired of having to tend to a sick father who isn't with me and worrying about which one of his new friends will slit his throat and the doctor told him he would prefer if he doesn't live alone.
Daddy told me he doesn't have to appear before the judge, but he must realize that the police are tired of being called to go to his house for nothing.
I had such a hard time at work over the weekend due to room assignment changes with the nurses. I was given 5 more rooms, which means potentially, 10 more patients. I have 2 hours to medicate them on one med pass and I already sometimes took about 1/2 hour longer, thanks to whatever genius that decided to combine nursing and computers. It was a nightmare. I finished my morning med pass and went straight into my noon med pass, insisted on eating lunch at 1:00, even though I still had 2 things to do. Well, my work is supposed to start at 6:00am and ends at 10:00pm, but on Sat night I clocked out at 12:25am. And Sun night I clocked out at 1:00am, and that was not even eating supper, so I picked up chicken nuggets and onion rings to eat on my hour long drive home. Was so happy to get home, but its Tues and I'm already dreading the weekend. They gave me mission impossible. I agree with the reason, because now I have a charge nurse, who is actually supposed to be doing some problem solving and taking some of the acute episodes away from me and the other nurses and make important order changes, so in principle, it was a good thing, but until some of the problems are actually solved, I'm drowning and in pain.
When I saw what I was up against, I kept remembering that I have a children's book lost somewhere in my old computer and hoping a really awesome computer nerd can help me find and print it. I swear if that thing can sell and give me at least 3 or 4 months salary cancellation, I'd quit and write another one.
Well, might as well move some stuff around.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
Good luck, I hope you get things organized. Take care of yourself, above all else. If you don't, it'll set everything further behind.
Warm healing thoughts and energy!


Almost Self-Reliant
Jun 11, 2010
Reaction score
Lafourche Parish, LA
So I am now sitting in, what I plan on using as my office/sewing room/storage space. I have one future room pretty much cleared out. Stuff is about to happen. And other stuff is about to happen as well, because tomorrow my brother and I take Daddy to court....apparently those women claimed the were dropping charges on him, but I'm going in and see what happens, taking all his meds, which is his idea, but I was going to have it if I needed it regardless. Thing is that if the judge thinks that due to his meds, he needs care, I'm planning on saying, that I'm right on top of it and have been working on fixing him a room in my house.
Well, my work scares me....and I have the old PC tower right near the new one, and I'm waiting for a nerd to come help me find that children's book I have stuck in it. DH figures if I can sell a book, I can give him a pinch of it because we still married and such. Like he has a blessed thing to worry about. I honestly don't know what it would be worth. Imagine my Agnostic DH, who denies the beliefs he was raised and professed all his life to get money from a Christian Children's story. So trying to figure how I will put a toilet in a BR we never finished. It would be fine, except for this clothes rack I love using for laundry. I can take stuff right out of the washer or dryer (broken) and put straight onto hangers...only problem is the whole family uses it as their personal closet. They don't bother picking up their clothes. They just take it straight from the rack. Well, I was looking at the situation and I said, well, if I take this shelf off the top of the washer and dryer and completely remove the dryer and do away with it, once and for all, I can put the clothes rack right here and then I can fit a toilet where the rack is.....I gotta be nuts; or so a lotta people would tell me. I'm more liking my clothes rack than the dryer. Also thinking of a composting toilet or bedside commode, rather than a toilet too....somewhere in my mind, I'd like to experiment with a methane digester one of these days. Gotta say, it looks a lot less intimidating than solar...
Well, gotta wake up early.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
I prefer to use my clothes rack, too. My only thing is that I like to bounce the clothes in the dryer for a few minutes on low, which somehow prevents them from being as stiff as when they are only hung to dry. If I had my way, I would do that for all of the clothes. I like it better because they're less likely to get wrinkled that way from sitting in the dryer when I forget to get them out! At least if they are hung, they won't be wrinkly, even if I don't fold them for a few days... err, the next day. Yeah, they get folded the next day....


Almost Self-Reliant
Jun 11, 2010
Reaction score
Lafourche Parish, LA
DS is apparently intimidated by the prospect of me or us building walls and told me I should hire a professional......Really??? Well, I just came back from buying a door and frame (I didn't feel like raking my brain out) and a bunch of 2X4's. I have been huffing and puffing, complaining about hiring a professional...because why??? I'm a woman and therefore too stupid to build a wall. Well My little ones have been listening to me and I pulled up the carpet, removed the frame that held it in place, put the door frame against the existing wall and I'm fixing on building the rest of the wall around the frame. Exactly what Momma always preached about....never depend on a man for anything. My arms might not be as strong,but I have a brain. Whatever.....we will see if I get a room sorta going on soon.

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