Are we living our dreams?


Sustainability Master
Nov 13, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
I have fought that same weed. The roots are long, it's tough to get rid of. it will also branch out and make a scraggly bush. I would love to know what it is and if it has any redeeming value.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Get me some good pics of the flowers, leaves, etc. and give me as much of a description of it as you can and I'll see what I can come up with.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jun 11, 2010
Reaction score
Lafourche Parish, LA
Sorry......bad weather today and had to go to the city for something that came up. I want a day time picture and then go out and look at night time, because some of the look alike plants claimed the plant had different behaviors in day and night.
It would be awesome to find out I have a useful weed, instead of just calling it spiny, devil weed.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I found my book, so when you get a chance, if you can get me some more pics and as good a description as you can, I'll see if I can figure it out.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jun 11, 2010
Reaction score
Lafourche Parish, LA
DH and kids came over for New Years and then he left with the 2 little ones. I got busy but not as much as I could have, if I had no interruptions. I tried getting myself drunk, because I thought it might be fun to clean the house while under the influence, but I actually didn't drink enough. DD 12 called me to wish me a good night, as she always does when she is with her Poppa, but she kept me on the phone a very long time, telling me she was scared and there was nothing to do and I just told her to say her prayers, read a book or watch a movie on her kindle, but she claimed it needed to be charged.....and for whatever reason, we stayed on the phone talking until very late. Then by lunch time, DH calls me and tells me he is bringing them back because they keep arguing and fighting with each other and he can't put up with all that bickering. So .......he jipped himself out of another weekend with the kids. I'm not complaining and I'm not going to trash him in front of the girls. If anything, I just asked them why did they fight in front of their father and make him so angry, to the point he couldn't put up with it, when they with me all the time, and it was his turn? But its Saturday night and they not supposed to be with me until tomorrow night or Monday morning and they already here.
So very shortly after they got home, I moved all the tractors, fed everything cabbage leaves the local grocery store was throwing away.....I barely had any milo at all to spread around to the birds. The weather was horrible and after I was done, I called the old grain man at the river. All he had was corn, but he had a nice supply and wasn't going anywhere, so I told him I was going over. Took the youngest with me and stopped at the farmer's market, on the interstate to pick up produce we didn't have and get some snacks for DD8. Got to talking to the people a bit and another customer was questioning about a fruit and I was only half listening and I heard a little laughter and explaining on how to eat it.......well the woman was eating a kumquat, so I took notice and asked the man if she was eating a kumquat and he said yes and started telling me they are a bit sour so I tell him I have a few trees and he tells me if I bring him the fruit, he will buy them from I say,"Really?" and we get to talking about my trees in the orchard and he asks me how many I have to which I guess about 150 and he tells me everyone wants satsumas, but he can't get his hands on them because its late in the season, so I tell him I think I still have some, if the coons didn't finish me off in all this bad weather. So the guy gives me his name and number and I guess I will call him if we have a sizable enough amount of fruit left.
I bought 11 sacks of corn from the old man and talked to him a while, came home and it was just getting dark and was raining AGAIN. Obviously, I'm not taking anything out of the suburban tonight. Then I'm thinking, I can soak some corn in warm water and I wonder how long before it starts to ferment so I can have probiotics fed to the birds and supposedly have less feed to give them. So I put about 3 gallons of corn to soak in hot water. A friend of mine told me it takes about 8 hours to start fermenting, but I think it would probably take longer. IDK.
At least I don't have to cook for a while......pretty sure we all eating just about the same left overs at all our houses.
Well, the fire finally caught good. About time. I was beginning to give up hope. Need to call the girls to bed and I have an niece, as usual. Hope I discover that I have a lot of satsumas tomorrow morning and that I can actually do business with that guy.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I hope you have enough to make at least a bit of money. I'm sure any little bit helps.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jun 11, 2010
Reaction score
Lafourche Parish, LA
Its starting to dry up!!! Thank God. I played a little in the garden, around lunch time and then a lot more after 5:00PM, when I finally finished all my running around. Property on my place was appraised slightly lower than the parish had me for, so my taxes will decrease slightly, but DH's home was appraised a great deal higher than the parish had him for, so I kept quiet about that. He was probably joking, but asked if I wanted to switch houses with him. Not a chance.
I have no idea why, but the goat was chasing a rooster, relentlessly, through the yard, until I tethered her, which I might as well start doing regularly. I will have to control her, if I want a decent garden. Or I can just keep her in a pen and forage for her.
It has been such a mild winter, that I'm thinking about starting tomatoes and peppers, by seed, in the beds, and covering, as needed.
I went to my neighbor's house, after doing Daddy's shopping, but he was at work. I called his cell. I wanted to pick up the milliton plants he has for me. Weather keeps up like this, maybe I can set up my arbors.
Well, DH is still without a job, which might be hard to find, regardless with a 35% heart, so today I told him to apply for Food Stamps and he tried, but was flipping out, so I did it. DD27 went over to help him with a job app with the school board and to change ink in his printer, so he can copy his diploma. Seems like our school board would already know he graduated, but idk.
I don't know if I have satsumas, but best find out tomorrow. I know I won't have much for the produce man, but I can at least harvest and go to the places that have been selling for me, because all of them have a little money for me and I know I will get more that way than including someone else in the action......especially this late in the game. Now, next season......thats another story.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jun 11, 2010
Reaction score
Lafourche Parish, LA
Today I woke up with my demons. It was one of those mornings when my first waking thoughts are,"I hate my life." But eventually I got up and while drinking my coffee, I grabbed a paper and pen and started writing a to-do list. Not the stuff that I have to do everyday anyway. The stuff you keep looking at and saying, "I really got to tend to that soon," but you never do. Sadly, there was 22 things written down, by the time I decided I had enough to do for a good while.
So Daddy told me he needed money for repairs on his golf cart, so I took him to the bank, then dropped off his recyclables, then came home and started just the normal chores.....moved the tractors, fed the animals and I decided....spur of the moment, to make a jam for the gate downstairs....cuz banging around in the wind, so 2 fence posts and a little twine and problem is solved. Then after a couple of hours teaching, I started knocking a few chores off that list. I actually only got 2.5 of the chores on the to-do list knocked off.
Seems like if I can get it done before January is over, I can start a new one for February.
If I can actually do this and complete them by the end of each month......stuff is going to start getting accomplished here.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I have one of those to do list. They never seem to get any shorter.