Out to pasture
I like growing my own medicianl herbs too. And I have numerous herbals, so I can look up how to use them.
So far I make my own ointment that is used for all kinds of skin problems. Mostly minor scratches and such, but it works great. I used to get split skin and now my ointment takes care of that. I can alos safely use it on all my animals. It is just calendula, lard, and beeswax. One of my chickens eats it, when I have it out to put on her.
I think I am pretty well prepared for if TSHTF.
Mostly the having the know how and the right tools. Having the mindset, that you are able to handle it and just do it, is more important than being physically fit. As long as you are not dis-abled, you will become fit in no time.
If you have the know how and the guts to do it, you will probably find people without the knowledge are willing to follow your instructions and your lead.
My neighbor is old and cannot do much anymore, but he still knows how to do stuff and we love to pump him for information. We learn a lot from him.
I also have a lot of books on how to make your own (fill in the blank). I'll leave my photo albums behind and take those books with me if need be.
I grew up being SS, because our family had to and we enjoyed it. It was a welcome challange. My siblings feel the same way and they practise as much as they can within their lifestyles and professions.
They are both envious, that I am doing it full time. Yet they are not yet willing or able to abandon the job and paycheck that comes with that job.
I was forced into it. Yet I love my life as it is right now.
So far I make my own ointment that is used for all kinds of skin problems. Mostly minor scratches and such, but it works great. I used to get split skin and now my ointment takes care of that. I can alos safely use it on all my animals. It is just calendula, lard, and beeswax. One of my chickens eats it, when I have it out to put on her.

I think I am pretty well prepared for if TSHTF.
Mostly the having the know how and the right tools. Having the mindset, that you are able to handle it and just do it, is more important than being physically fit. As long as you are not dis-abled, you will become fit in no time.
If you have the know how and the guts to do it, you will probably find people without the knowledge are willing to follow your instructions and your lead.
My neighbor is old and cannot do much anymore, but he still knows how to do stuff and we love to pump him for information. We learn a lot from him.
I also have a lot of books on how to make your own (fill in the blank). I'll leave my photo albums behind and take those books with me if need be.
I grew up being SS, because our family had to and we enjoyed it. It was a welcome challange. My siblings feel the same way and they practise as much as they can within their lifestyles and professions.
They are both envious, that I am doing it full time. Yet they are not yet willing or able to abandon the job and paycheck that comes with that job.
I was forced into it. Yet I love my life as it is right now.