Are you.....


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
Farmfresh said:
Denim Deb said:
No, I'm not where I want to be, not even close! But, IMO, at least for me is, am I where God wants me to be?
I agree with this totally.

I would love to live on the prairie someplace where the land is open and the sky is big. I would love to be able to raise a few head of beef cattle, some sheep and maybe even my own bacon. Hubby would be happier also. That would be worth a lot to me. Living in this dirty city gets us both so down.

Still, God knows what he is doing. Living in this old house has taught me an amazing amount of things. I can now wire, plumb, do basic carpentry in addition to all of the SS skills that I have learned while living here. I am efficient. Something I would have never learned if I had always lived where I had lots of space. Now days with my health failing I really need that efficiency.

I still want out in the country, but God MUST be in control. When He is ready I will have that little house on the prairie.
Ditto this as well. My wants are very fluid right now....I really just want what God wants. I where I want to be? Sure, if that is where God has placed me, then I am content. I'm single, own very few possessions ~especially since the mega yard sale~, and am ready to pick up and go on very short notice. Wherever I land is just where I wanted to be.


Power Conserver
Jun 24, 2011
Reaction score
No....i need more land to grow and produce. I live in an area where zombies will rule and take over.I seek an affordable escape..!


Improvising a more SS life
Aug 1, 2009
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Hot Springs, Arkansas
I need some big changes.
We've loved these mountains since the 1st time we saw them, about 20 years ago. Still lived similar to that for a while. Later on- he got an apartment downtown. We got to know each other again later and got married. But I want a small farm- not an upstairs apartment. We both love the woods and mountains and he misses having room for pets. The only pets allowed here are one kitty -or- one little dog. They can't even have a buddy of their own species.
I grow some veggies and herbs, but 100 sq ft is not enough. The community garden doesn't have enough space for me to rent more raised beds. The apartment is cheap and near hubbies doctors and his buddies, so he is more satisfied.

Once I'm working, I need to save up for land. Happily, I can find acreage outside of town without giving up my mountains, since they go through about 4 counties. Real estate prices are lower per acre, and with less restrictions, out of this county. I want to get land and move onto it in the next 5 years.

We lived in BFE, Off-Grid before so already know how to do some of the stuff already. I also learned some basic handyman type skills when I was single for about 15 years. Also got more self confidence in the bargain.

I left a bunch of good friends when I moved to get married. We stay in touch some, but it's not the same. His buddies are nice people but I don't have much in common with most of them. I only have a couple close friends here, so far. Gotta work on that.


Lovin' The Homestead
Nov 11, 2010
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North Central Florida
I'm right on track... we bought our cabin as a weekend getaway, but more importantly, as a place to live cheaply and simply when the time comes. I'm already growing veggies there, and have room for a small chicken coop and space for meat rabbits. As soon as we are there permanently, the front "lawn" will be used for growing more food.

I do admit that there are times (like right now, in the dog days of summer) when I wish we were further north, but I'd have to go way north to get out of the heat and humidity, and I just can't handle extreme cold and snow. So I always come back to being thankful to live where I do. Plus I have the advantage of being able to grow food year round.

My only regret is the timing on the cabin purchase. Real estate prices hadn't tanked yet when we bought the cabin. But just a year after signing on the dotted line, we could have bought 5 acres for what we paid for the cabin. But... I'm still happy. The cabin was "move in" ready, it's very roomy for it's small footprint, and I love the location. And really, 5 acres sounds nice, but in reality, would be too much for us.

I would love to buy the lot directly behind us and clear it off. I'd definitely be able to grow all the veggies we could use and have extra to sell. I'd also get bees if I had more room (although I'm not sure how good an idea that is, we have bears).

My goals are to grow and preserve as much of our vegetables as possible, have a few chickens for eggs, and raise meat rabbits, and live as simply as possible. I wish we were living there already, but I'm putting this time to good use and doing my research and learning. I think we'll be there sooner rather than later.