Attention dog people, got a question & need help


Lovin' The Homestead
Sep 8, 2009
Reaction score
I have to say im not fond of the dog whisperer. There is a reason he gets bite all lot. We got a dog very similar to yours as a puppy as well.

Buy a crate that is just big enough for her to lay down sit stand turn around get comfy. And use it. Think of it as a kids room. Leave it open and if she goes in it leave her alone. She starts to misbehave she goes in the crate. When you put her in it if company os coming over put a toy in it so she knows she not in trouble just having quiet time.

The command sit will end 95% of all problems. They can't misbehave if their sitting looking at you. They jump up turn around
so that she can't touch you and the command sit. Be stern. She gets no attention from any one at all unless shes sitting calmly. This can take awhile depending on the dog. Everyone has to be in with this. Make her work for everything. She wants food she must sit for it.

Work on impulse control. Put her food in front of her and the wait command. If she goes for the food take it away. Wait a couple seconds try again. She will get it. This teaches her you own everything. And to control herself.

I strongly suggest taking a obedience class. Even if you have always trained your own dogs. We can't see the dogs body language. But the trainer in the class can. Look for a class that teaches positive reinforcement. Shy and timid dogs can't not be handled roughly if they are they can shut down or become fear biters.

You should give her a job as well if possible. Carrying something around the house any thing you can think of.

We require that all dogs must know these commands:
Sit, lay down, off (the chair etc..), come, wait, stay, take it, hand it, drop, pick up (the ball, bag etc..) bring it, leave it, back away, out ( of the room), in, go through (the door etc..) loaded up (get in the car etc..) and ok (that's the release command. whatever works for the owner)
i may be forgetting one.
The difference between stay and wait.
Stay is you don't leave that spot till you get the release command. They can do whatever they want. Sit, stand, lay down whatever as long as they don't leave that spot. If it is a sit and stay they have to say sitting etc.. The wait command is a pause. If you opening the car door its a wait command. Wait then the release when they can get out. The wait is followed by another command. The stay is followed by a release command.
I can walk you through any of these commands.
You can pm me if you like. We have trained dogs for years for different things.


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
Reaction score
uh just to say I watch and I think he was bit 6-7 times max.

someone trained in dogs for their life and how dogs thinks is an expert to me, far from the "use what I think about a mutt and what worked for me or my family" sitatuion---or what I think is expert education I learned over the years.

Depends on the dog and the people owning it.

Crating does not fix the direct me you just avoid it. Doesn't fix it.

to me the wait command is nothing but showing your domiance. one that the dog whisperer suggests all the time.

but of course that is just my view.


Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 22, 2009
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New Brunswick, Canada
I don't particullary like the dog whisperer, although I do agree with a lot of what he says and does, I think that watching the show does give dog owner's a false sense of security in dealing with problem dogs. For him it works great, for the average person, not trained in dog body language or behaviour it can be asking for trouble. That doesn't apply in Okiegirls case though because she really just has a bratty puppy, not a 'red zone' dog.

I've been re-habbing and rescuing abused, or neglected, or fighting pit bulls for about 12 years... and I know from my experience (in no way do I consider myself a pro :) ) that I am not 'calm and assertive' enough in tense situations to use his methods without creating unneccessary issues in a dog and confusing the situation.

A crate is a lifesaver for us when we get new foster dogs in, we do not ever use them as punishment though. They are there to manage dogs in the house if we can't supervise them. And to do the 2 week shutdown when we initially get a dog. After that they are used for sleeping, and the doors are almost always open.

I definitely agree that you shouldn't use physical punishment with a shy or timid dog... positive dog training works just as well without using fear or intimidation as the incentive to behave.

For me, somewhere about halfway between Cesar's methods and purely positive training works really well... like farmer chick mentioned, the interupting a behaviour before it escalates can save you a lot of stress. Don't let the dogs just stare each other down, the staring can be just one step away from an explosion. :)


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
Reaction score

I like the man cause he is an expert.
I can't always follow the guy and apply his knowledge..LOL---people need to acknowledge that they are not expert trainers in "anything in this life" and take bits from some and tads from others to make it work.

it will never be absolute agree or disagree.


Lovin' The Homestead
Nov 4, 2009
Reaction score
Hang in there! Just be patient.


Lovin' The Homestead
Sep 8, 2009
Reaction score
FarmerChick said:
uh just to say I watch and I think he was bit 6-7 times max.

someone trained in dogs for their life and how dogs thinks is an expert to me, far from the "use what I think about a mutt and what worked for me or my family" sitatuion---or what I think is expert education I learned over the years.

Depends on the dog and the people owning it.

Crating does not fix the direct me you just avoid it. Doesn't fix it.

to me the wait command is nothing but showing your domiance. one that the dog whisperer suggests all the time.

but of course that is just my view.
Not going to argue with you. But we train search and rescue, service and therapy dogs. Not just your normal pet.

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