Food Guru
The landscaper idea is a good one, just keep in mind that they usually deal with lawns that are very chemical-ized. If you can deal with that idea for a year (might be a necessary compromise) it will be a great source of free compost. Another idea is to get the fall clean-up leaves dumped, if that is something that is done a lot in your area. Here, the landscape guys do that, too, using pick-ups enclosed with big plywood boxes with a round hole cut high up, and a big vacuum. I was thinking of that when I lost my horse, who was great at turning cash into compost!
But the goats create a lot of compostable material, too, in the winter, with their hay waste.
Any big horse farms nearby? They often have the manure piles hauled off in dump trucks periodically, if they don't have lots of hay fields. You might get a load or two for the cost of the hauling, or free if you get those boys each a shovel!
Boy-oh-boy, could I use a couple of boys right now, with a couple of shovels!!!
But the goats create a lot of compostable material, too, in the winter, with their hay waste.
Any big horse farms nearby? They often have the manure piles hauled off in dump trucks periodically, if they don't have lots of hay fields. You might get a load or two for the cost of the hauling, or free if you get those boys each a shovel!

Boy-oh-boy, could I use a couple of boys right now, with a couple of shovels!!!