Bee~ Journal of then...


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
Here's a little funny you guys may enjoy....

A group of people in this county were discussing my milk cow and calf, dogs and chickens and one of the guys wanted to know if I would like to have a crippled goat.

I think folks must think I just collect animals for the fun of it or something, which is amusing to me! :lol:

I asked him about the goat. Seems its a billy and has to use his elbows only on his front legs. He walks on his elbows. :( This was the family member of a dying patient, so I had to hold my tongue.
So I just told him that I only keep animals who work for a living or will be served on a plate.

I really can't understand why someone would let this animal survive in this condition. Have they no pity? How horrible to see him with his back end in the air, inching around on his elbows! And now they don't want him. I guess when he was a cute little buckling their misplaced compassion wouldn't let them cull him, but now he is bigger, its not so cute anymore.

Sorry, folks, but this is the kind of thing that gets my dander up! The same folks were surprised that I would be eating the calf! Poor goat. :(

Sort of like my sis keeping that piglet that was born with no back hooves....the stumps got infected and it couldn't compete for food, so now it lives in a cage in her house. For how long, who knows? But what will become of it now? She won't eat it, it can't live a normal life, the stumps will not support a weight gain of much more wt, and she will get repeated infections in the stumps. How sad, how horrible, how tragic. Better that she would have been killed humanely from the first day.


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
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Missouri USA
So sad - but I too have seen it much too often.

One possibility for the poor goat is that you go ahead and take it. Even an old goat can be turned into some pretty darned tasty summer sausage. That way it would be out of it's misery.

Of course the people would probably not let you have him if they knew he would be put in your larder.


Goat Whisperer
Mar 28, 2009
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Poor goat! Sounds like really bad arthritis, or of the CAE kind.

How are Shade's stools?
I read somewhere that theres calf electrolytes. I guess you can mix it with milk, you could try some of that to give her a boost of that and probios if you think she needs it.


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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Beekissed said:
You were serious about that??? :th You folks are hilarious! I'll let you know how deer season goes. If it is provident, we may be having a Shade auction! :)
Bee, of course I was serious!! :th

I'll even bring you a pair of Embdens as a deposit!! ;) :gig


Food Guru
Jan 1, 2009
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Southwick, MA
People are funny, aren't they? They have no problem with the idea of CAFO's or battery hens, but to have an animal raised humanely, killed humanely, and lots of napkins?? And they get all in a dander. Hmmmph. They don't have to raise their own food, they can eat CAFO food, but don't get on a high horse about those of us who really care!

I have a vegetarian in my weight management class who, in the middle of my lecture, asked a person across the room if they loved animals (the person had mentioned rescuing cats). Then she said, with an attitude, "Then why do you eat them?"

I instantly turned to her and said that this is not the place for that discussion, if she wanted to discuss that, it could be done at 7:30, when the class was over. Sheesh!

And we did discuss it.....not sure if she will be back...... :D


Lovin' The Homestead
May 10, 2009
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Lochbuie, CO
Bee, I don't know if I would doubt Quail right now. She seems to be in one of critter-gitter kind of moods. Pigs, cow, alpacas? :hu God is the only that knows what she'll get next. :old (my interpretation of a smiley God)


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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Aidenbaby said:
Bee, I don't know if I would doubt Quail right now. She seems to be in one of critter-gitter kind of moods. Pigs, cow, alpacas? :hu God is the only that knows what she'll get next. :old (my interpretation of a smiley God)

Well, I do trust God to make available to us what he wants us to have :)

ETA: I didn't get a Pig or an Alpaca.....yet....and I got the calves a couple months ago...ONLY new critters right now are chicks and ducks, and they are relatively cheap! Bigger purchases, like pigs, Alpacas, Shade (HAHA) those all have to be approved by DH first...because of the amount it would take to get them ;)

big brown horse

Hoof In Mouth
Apr 23, 2009
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Puget Sound, WA
freemotion said:
People are funny, aren't they? They have no problem with the idea of CAFO's or battery hens, but to have an animal raised humanely, killed humanely, and lots of napkins?? And they get all in a dander. Hmmmph. They don't have to raise their own food, they can eat CAFO food, but don't get on a high horse about those of us who really care!

I have a vegetarian in my weight management class who, in the middle of my lecture, asked a person across the room if they loved animals (the person had mentioned rescuing cats). Then she said, with an attitude, "Then why do you eat them?"

I instantly turned to her and said that this is not the place for that discussion, if she wanted to discuss that, it could be done at 7:30, when the class was over. Sheesh!

And we did discuss it.....not sure if she will be back...... :D
I'm getting us off track but back in the 80's my sister went to Jamacia with a mini peace corp group to help rebuild after Hurricane Gilbert. They stayed with the natives while they were there. One girl in the group was a vegetarian (I don't have anything wrong with that, that was how I was raised!!). She apparently was very rude to the (most gracious) hosts during meal times. An example of "not a place for that discussion." Apparently there were other non meat choices too. Sometimes you just gotta :duc!!

And that POOR goat!! I hate to hear about things like that!


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
Apparently it was born with a defect of some kind. Sad though. :(

Aly! You didn't get an alpaca since I was last on here, did you? :lol:

Mrs. Doolittle is an apt nickname for you, that is for sure and certain! Your place must look a little like my place....except x 10 for variety! ;) I love the thought of your menagerie..... :love

Guess what folks? Got my first walk-in customer today while I was at work! Placed an order for weekly eggs, milk, butter, cottage cheese and veggies! Referred by a patient's family who likes to talk about my farmette here. :D

This lady stopped in and talked to my son, tasted his homemade sugar cookies, reminisced about the farm they used to have and gave him a list of the items she is interested in buying! How cool is that? I may have to keep that boy here as a salesman....... :)

See? Talky, talky, talky......leads to buying, buying, buying! And I haven't even milked a teat yet! :clap

Shade's stools are fine and turning more brown each day....seems it was the colostrum. She is so frisky and ornery....downright cute! She was chasing chickens today! :lol:

Bought her an adjustable calf halter for leading her to the pen at night and got a regular halter for Blossom in case I should ever need one for her. Will buy her a sheep bell soon, as the antique one that I have is a bit too big and heavy for her. I'm sure she wouldn't care to wear it, but I can't imagine lugging that thing around all day for no reason! :rolleyes:

Will start milking on Saturday morning and will keep track of all milk production in a ledger. This is in case someone is interested in buying her calves from the Jersey bull semen, I can tell them what the mother's output is, on average.

Will be buying a brand new galvanized bucket tomorrow, cheesecloth, will have to decide on what I want to use for a or just plain cotton t-shirt material?

Free, what do you use for a filter? I think we used to use coffee filters down inside a metal screen-type filter thingy.....the technical name for it, I'm sure! :p


Food Guru
Jan 1, 2009
Reaction score
Southwick, MA
I use one of those permanant coffee filters, the kind made of silk-like wire mesh. It fits inside a big stainless steel funnel I got at a restaurant supply place. I originally got a basket for it, the type that sits right on a mug to make one cup of coffee, but that is designed to slow down the drip. So I like the funnel better. I drop it into a container with a drop of dishsoap and some bleach before and after using it each time.

I would not get a galvanized bucket. The metals will get into the milk. I would invest in stainless steel, personally. With my little goat, I can use quart canning jars. I have a tote that holds four jars perfectly, three for milking and one for udder wash/teat dip. Got it on clearance at Joann's! Imagine that! It is perfect, has little pockets that I stuff with extra flannel cloths and my measuring spoon for the bleach and some hand cream for winter. But I digress. We're talkin' 'bout the big moo now!

I made another four pounds of cheddar tonight, it is in the press as I type, 12 hours at 50 lbs! We break open the first one Monday, a week early, in honor of my folks' visit. I will keep you posted, by Thursday for sure, as that is when they go home and I get a chance on the computer again!

Bee, you will have more customers than you can handle very quickly, that is my prediction, once that lady starts picking up her weekly order! I could have a huge line-up, if I were generous enough to share! One day I will get tired of spending 5 hours a week for four pounds of cheese, then I will sell some milk!

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