I am so glad that the Bat and you have so much support from family and friends. I think it really helps to know how much people around you care.
Distractions are great also.
I'm sure things 'll settle down in a few weeks, as you fall back into farm chores and a regular routine.
to the both of you.
I am getting ready to go to New York to visit the forlks for a few weeks. My father's cancer has returned. I want to spend time with him, while he is still "present", before they have to drug him up with morphine. I also look forward to the break from my farm chores and the peace and quiet of my parents' place.
Of course I am going crazy now trying to get everything ready for my extended absence from the farm and at the same time packing what I need for nearly 3 weeks into one little bitty carry-on bag.
Missed having you around, but it's great that everybody is there for her now. This seems to have brought most of the people together. Hard times always have some good come from them.
You've got great timing. The Bat moved in before Halloween. What are y'all doing for Halloween? Could be fun.
Denise, I am so sorry about your dad! My prayers will be with you as you travel and while you go through this stressful,sorrowful time. I will also pray for a quick and merciful ending....this I always pray for my hospice patients.
It will be a little time before I get Bat up and running on a computer but, never fear, I will get her here! She will absolutely love this place and all the other info to be gleaned off the web.
We usually don't celebrate Halloween but we do love the fall and all the other folks' decorations. I already teased her about being a bat during this time of year and we are currently looking for a place for her to sleep hanging upside down.....
Good thing is this....Mom is finding some relief from thinking by doing what she loves the most....cleaning! And I can tell you that she has found ample opportunity to do this at my house! Yesterday I came home and she had that sparkle back in her face and a dust pan in her hand. The house smelled like pine cleaner and there was a pot of potato soup bubbling on the stove and three pans of bread cooling on the table!!! I LOVE that woman! Of all the heroes down through history, I can't imagine any of them being as strong as my mother.
As a note upon the family strife, I realized that, in order to proceed in my life, I must forgive those siblings. I don't feel it in my heart yet and I 'm sure it will take some time before I really feel free of the need to slap them down a rat hole.....but I need to say it often and pray for it often until I really feel free of the anger and hurt.
So.....today I bought some lovely inspirational cards wishing them love and warm fuzzies, which I will grace with one line and send to them post haste. The line will be: I forgive you.
I know it will infuriate them and there will be gnashing of teeth but this is not my intent. I just need to say it. I need to say it to them, say it to myself, say it to others and pray that God will make it so in my heart.
After I get there in my heart, we will try to get the Bat to a place of healing as well.
Between that and housework, painting her room, gathering the last of the apples, processing any deer and dog food along with me....well, I expect she will heal well and get back to having a bounce in her giddyup again.
BBH, we have said that so often (a reason for everything) that we are threatening to get bumper stickers made up....I guess that would be the alternative to the old bumper stickers that say--$h@t happens.
She definitely IS an angel....and she lives with ME!!!!
I win! I win! I win!
I am sooooo bad..... I know all the other kids would just love to have her in their house but I win by default! She always said she wouldn't live with a married child and be "the MIL". I knew there was a reason I couldn't find a good man.......
Your relationship with your mother reminds me of my relationship with mine. Only mine doesn't live with me...YET!
I miss my mom so much! We have to talk everyday. This is why I love to read about you and your mother. (I am her favorite child, but don't tell my siblings.)
What a blessing to have such a wonderful person as a mom.
My dad aint so bad either , he is the one who always tells me (gruffly) "Sal, there is a reason for everything...no such thing as a coincidence".
Oh I love your bumper sticker idea. They really are the best grouping of words I've ever read. Sometimes you cant see the "why's" until a later date though.