How do you make slumgullion? I've never heard this word before, and it has some interesting definitions. Recipe search makes it look similar to what we adirondackers call goulash, which isn't really goulash. It's tomato macaroni beef of sorts.
It's always better in an iron skillet, first off...don't know exactly why that is..could be purely psychological. I just brown some new potatoes, yellow squash and onions first, then I add tomatoes, hot banana pepper, green peppers, broccoli and new corn cut off the cob. I let all that cook down and then add some corn meal to the juice to thicken it up and add more flavor. Of course, seasoned to taste...and I like it spicy!
We either eat it as is or sometimes will put it on top of pasta. Best if sopped up with homemade bread. It's a little more...meaty and full than mere goulash, IMO.