Bee~ Journal of then...


Almost Self-Reliant
Aug 26, 2016
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Bee is right about the jars. I posted on Facebook I would take any jars if someone wanted to get rid of them and my neighbor right next to us told me at church she had jars I could have. I ended up with several dozen pint, quart, and ever a couple half gallon jars and a few rings. She also gave me her mother's 1940's canner but I still haven't had a chance to replace the seal or gauge on it yet. When I do that will give me 2 canners. She told me a few days ago when she goes out to her shed she has more jars for me.


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
There are always folks who have some tucked away and would love to see someone using them. It's a good thing to give those folks a filled jar or two back, if they will eat home canned goods....many people won't out of fear of poisoning, as the wisdom of years gone by has left this current age.

Then there are the women who thought they wanted to can and either never found the time or will for it, or tried it and found it to be too much work...those ladies are willing to get rid of all that mess and clutter as well. They may want some money for their stuff, as they invested quite a bit to get started, in most cases.


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
We had big boom shakalaka thunderstorms today with lots of rain. We hadn't had a thunder boomer like that for a long while, so it was kind of nice, though we have had rain this past week we didn't have all that thunder and lightning. Now we have a little tree frog out on the front porch singing his pleasure about all the wet. LOVE that sound!

Today we finally got to see one of the kittens born under the cabin and heard the sounds of at least two more. Miss Molly is a great little mother and the kit we saw is a real cutie...looks almost just like his dad, Flash. Wild as a garter snake, almost took my hand off when I tried to pick him up! He has an extra toe on each front paw, so it looks like he has great mittens there. It's great to have kittens born on the land again. :love

This evening was a misty, moisty evening and I kept going on little chores before I lost the light...I love that time of the evening they call "the gloaming". The storm brought down a lot of honeysuckle blossom from the vines over the garden gate, so I was stepping on a golden sweetness as I moved in and out of the garden. So lovely!

As I showered off the sweat and grime of the day, I thanked God for the fresh, clean and hot running water....I never take it for granted, even after all these years of having it again. What a huge blessing it is to have good, fresh water for drinking and for getting clean...a lot of the world does not have that, so we are truly blessed.

It's the simple little pleasures of thunder rolling off into the distance, a new kitten, a tree frog's song, a hot shower and a carpet of golden sweetness underfoot that makes my heart beat warmer with thanks to the Lord. I can feel the joy bubble up in my chest and reach my face, painting it with a contented smile as I move through the day of blessings.

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all through my days! :love


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
Every day is a day for thanks, Miss Sumi! :hugs Have I told you how thankful I am that you are taking over this forum? I am! :ya

Today is a simply gorgeous day! 75*, sunny, clear and soft. Light laying on all the leaves gives the woods around us a golden glow that warms the eyes.

Today is a GREAT work day! :weee A little soppy underfoot from all the rains but still a day to get things done. Today we are cleaning out the shed, a yearly undertaking to attempt decluttering and organization on the homestead. This year is less involved than the last and the last was less involved than the year before that. My big goal for this building is that the yearly cleaning just involves sweeping and wiping the dust off of things, while everything else is still in its place and there's a place for everything. That's the grand plan! :thumbsup

Since this year's cleaning out won't take all day long like previous years, I'd like to work on the tools we have around the place a little. I'd like to clean them, put blaze orange tape on the handles for ease of finding them, and also scheduling them for sharpening. I'd like to put a good edge on them all, so that any given time they are needed, they are sharp and ready to go.

I may start a thread for organizing and decluttering for the's one of the essentials to a smooth work year, to have things you can use, things that can be found without digging under many things, and things that clearly visible when you walk into your shed, barn, pantry, etc.

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE clean out day!!! :celebrate There's just something about taking things that are cluttered, dirty, rough and nasty and turning them into something clean, smooth, and neatly placed that gives my soul a deep satisfaction. I also love it when Mom and I~and sometimes my kids get in on it~work together as a team all day....usually she and I are working on separate things all day and rarely together.

The great thing about working with my mother as my work partner is that she and I are equally yoked. We think alike on how things should be done, how they should look, how hard we should work on it and what our goals are. That's priceless! :love

NH Homesteader

Sustainability Master
Sep 6, 2016
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Oh good for you! I would love to have an organization day but I don't see that happening at my house!

Enjoy the beautiful day! It's 53 and raining here, good day for a feed store run.


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
Today was yet another gloriously stunning day! Days like this are gift from God. :love Mid 70s, clear as a bell, mild breeze, HUGE puffy white clouds sailing by like Heaven's ships every now and again, and sunny all day long except for a 15 min cloudburst in the middle of the day.

These are days made for working....or fishing, or swimming, picnics, hiking, biking and anything else that takes place outdoors. :D

But, for me, I love working best in these cool days, as the heat and humidity of summer really slows me down. Looks like we'll have good weather all this week and next week too, so I'm thanking God every step of the way as I try to keep runnin' on the many projects I'd like to get done before hot and humid steals my energy.

So many things to do and I praise God for it! Work like this is a pure blessing to I love to do, work that you can see the results when you are done and work that has a good purpose.

This evening we sat and enjoyed the evening, talked about all the things we did and things we still have to do. The cats came for some affection, but got too demanding and had to be shooed away. They are shedding, so not a treat for them to be climbing all over us.

We walked through the garden and looked at all the things growing...I do believe this is my favorite garden year already. I've never had so many things growing so well here, so I think the BTE is finally paying off this year. By the time the garden is full of all the plants, I have a feeling it's going to be the most lovely garden I've ever grown in my life. And that's saying a lot.

No, the rows aren't straight like my Dad's always were...I LOVE seeing gardens with those super straight rows. I've never been able to do that, for some reason. But, this is going to be a lush and colorful garden this year and that's always been my goal...lush, good growth, beauty and no weeds. I want those gardens you see in all the pictures that are just so perfect...maybe this will be my year! :D

For now, that balmy breeze is drifting through my window, bringing honeysuckle along with it and I can hear the whippoorwills going strong out there. Should be able to see a lot of stars tonight, so I'll likely go out and star gaze a little this evening.

Oh...and I got to see 4 kittens under the cabin today! Three white kits and one tabby with white markings, all fat as ticks from Mama's milk. So lovely and such potential! Miss Molly is a great mother, a great hunter and will likely teach them some hunting skills before it's all said and done.


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
Another gorgeous day, another gift from the Lord! :love Ran pillar to post all day, got some GREAT buys on flowers and repurposing things from the Habitat store, for future projects.

Then came home to do some landscaping of flower beds. Planted a flat of annuals I got 30% off and also three perennials~Russian sage, lemon balm, thyme. Those went in the garden. Slowly but surely I'm filling in around the perimeter of the garden with perennial plants, both flower and food perennials.

Got to spend last night on a sleepover with my grandgirls...we had a cookout, got to get in the pool for a bit in the evening, and then got to play together even more this morning. Pure bliss!!!

Tomorrow will be another gorgeous day and I hope to work on construction projects such as trellises, garden gates, dog benches, etc. Getting company tomorrow, so have to make Mom's famous Coney Island hot dog sauce tomorrow morning and hope I can still get work done while they are here.

Sleepover with the angels! :celebrate



Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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I know you had a great time if you got to spend it with your grandbabies. I'm in grandbaby withdrawal. They live toooo far away...:(


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
Reaction score
Mountains of WV
I know you had a great time if you got to spend it with your grandbabies. I'm in grandbaby withdrawal. They live toooo far away...:(

That would nigh kill me now, I'm that attached. :( :hugs I'm especially bonded it the eldest, but am starting to do so with the youngest...the more time she gets to spend out at my place, the more we'll get bonded. I don't think there is ever the bond like one has with the first child or first grandchild where you get to spend undivided time with them, but I hope to develop a strong friendship with little Ella too.

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