Bee~ Journal of then...


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
Well, oldest son, Joel, is ensconced in WY and has completed his first week of work. His boss said he outperformed all the other new guys and so they are putting him on his first rig on Monday. Joel says there are guys that have been working for some time that haven't been put on a rig yet (whatever that means).

He IS a hard worker, I'll say that for the boy! I'm pleased that he is settling in and doing well. He has told me about a couple of guys that have been real friendly and helpful to him on this job and one even gave him a Carhart coverall that was too big for himself. I tell you, folks, praying really works! I was praying that all would go well for him out there....Joel has had a pretty rough row to hoe in his young life.

Went to the office Christmas wing-ding held at my boss's house.....THAT was a real eye opener! :th I tell you, guys, these people live in an absolutely beautiful Victorian farm house, circa 1800's and have several show jumper horses, paddocks, new cars, know, all the trappings of "the GOOD life".

This woman comes to work every day, never cracks a smile, complains about not making enough money, has 2 kids who treat her like dirt and have been in and out of trouble and have had everything given to them, has a husband whose job keeps him away and I've heard they don't get along anyway, craves recognition and power in her job, etc., etc.

I don't think I'll ever get used to the fact that people who have been blessed with so much can be so darned unhappy and unfulfilled in their lives. They keep buying for their kids and wonder why they have such rotten, self-serving children. They keep buying things to maintain the "status quo" but can't seem to find a simple way to just be happy.

What strikes me as being even more ironic is the fact that they feel so much more intelligent than us "poor" folks who don't have the life they do. You would think that people smart enough to generate enough income to buy all the toys would be smart enough to know how to find contentment. I mean, just how many years would you do this before you figured out it just ain't workin'??? :p Its nearly epidemic, this....I don't know what you call it...striving to "have it all" and winding up in misery, resentment, loneliness.

I can't imagine a more sad thing than "having it all" and having no love or joy. I guess those are things that just can't be bought...not for any length of time, anyway! :/

I think I will start praying for my boss and the other nurse in our office.....neither one can laugh or smile at all and all they do is stress out or complain all day. I know they find me odd and maybe a little annoying because I never complain and I be-bop in there each day with a smile and a cheerful attitude. I get the impression they think I'm either a nitwit or just plain nutty! :D :p

Sorry about the soft rant, folks, but sometimes I just have to SAY it! :hide


Don't Quote Me
Jul 20, 2008
Reaction score
East Tenn.

You sound like the "poster child" for our Bible study class about Contagious Joy. How if you find joy in the Lord you will find joy in all things. You are probably a ray of sunshine in those "well to do" lives. I'll bet they are still trying to find what you have.

"Having it all" is not about things. It's about having God, joy, peace and contentment. Or, at least it is for me.

I know you are just puffed up with pride about Joel's good job he does. He's a lucky man.


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
Reaction score
you never can ask for anything better than a good life and career for your kids! all sounds wonderful for him...starting life on a good foot!!!!!

yea "having it all"---hmm..people still can't understand that stuff can't buy happiness. and why not, cause it is in our faces all the time---articles say "stuff and money can't buy happiness" ---friends tell us, books tell us, the tv tells us.......WHY DON'T we listen! LOL

I don't get it. But I can say, alot of people ARE realizing it...heck all of us on this it is a start!


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
I agree! That's why its so nice to be able to come on here and vent a little and know that there are folks that understand.

Punkin, I do think that is what this is. Remember that song, "Walkin' on Sunshine"? That's what it feels like! I live in a very beautiful area and I just can't stop looking at all the beauty around me...sometimes I almost run off the road gawking at stuff! :p I come home to my old, scruffy rental house and marvel at how warm and inviting it is when you walk through the door. How beautiful the chickens look scattered over the orchard like pretty confetti. How the dogs look as they play and run and tussle....pure joy in every leap! That deep sense of satisfaction when you find nests full of warm, brown eggs...I practically float to the house with all the eggs in my pockets!

If I were to tell that to the people at work they would look at me like I had a third eye!!! :lol: I can tell it to you all and you've even done the very same things! THAT is priceless. Isn't that what we all crave, really? Someone to be a witness to our lives. Someone to share a feeling...really share it. :)


Epicurean Goddess
Sep 10, 2008
Reaction score
Garden Zone 8A Texas
Beekissed said:
Well, oldest son, Joel, is ensconced in WY and has completed his first week of work. His boss said he outperformed all the other new guys and so they are putting him on his first rig on Monday. Joel says there are guys that have been working for some time that haven't been put on a rig yet (whatever that means).

He IS a hard worker, I'll say that for the boy! I'm pleased that he is settling in and doing well. He has told me about a couple of guys that have been real friendly and helpful to him on this job and one even gave him a Carhart coverall that was too big for himself. I tell you, folks, praying really works! I was praying that all would go well for him out there....Joel has had a pretty rough row to hoe in his young life.

Went to the office Christmas wing-ding held at my boss's house.....THAT was a real eye opener! :th I tell you, guys, these people live in an absolutely beautiful Victorian farm house, circa 1800's and have several show jumper horses, paddocks, new cars, know, all the trappings of "the GOOD life".

This woman comes to work every day, never cracks a smile, complains about not making enough money, has 2 kids who treat her like dirt and have been in and out of trouble and have had everything given to them, has a husband whose job keeps him away and I've heard they don't get along anyway, craves recognition and power in her job, etc., etc.

I don't think I'll ever get used to the fact that people who have been blessed with so much can be so darned unhappy and unfulfilled in their lives. They keep buying for their kids and wonder why they have such rotten, self-serving children. They keep buying things to maintain the "status quo" but can't seem to find a simple way to just be happy.

What strikes me as being even more ironic is the fact that they feel so much more intelligent than us "poor" folks who don't have the life they do. You would think that people smart enough to generate enough income to buy all the toys would be smart enough to know how to find contentment. I mean, just how many years would you do this before you figured out it just ain't workin'??? :p Its nearly epidemic, this....I don't know what you call it...striving to "have it all" and winding up in misery, resentment, loneliness.

I can't imagine a more sad thing than "having it all" and having no love or joy. I guess those are things that just can't be bought...not for any length of time, anyway! :/

I think I will start praying for my boss and the other nurse in our office.....neither one can laugh or smile at all and all they do is stress out or complain all day. I know they find me odd and maybe a little annoying because I never complain and I be-bop in there each day with a smile and a cheerful attitude. I get the impression they think I'm either a nitwit or just plain nutty! :D :p

Sorry about the soft rant, folks, but sometimes I just have to SAY it! :hide
Are you sure you weren't in Ohio? They sound just like my dh's ex-boss! Truly sad!! Let them think you're nutty - we love you anyway! :D


Quilting Extraordinaire
Jul 19, 2008
Reaction score
Northern Ontario Canada
Ahhh, BK you are wonderful! I am so thrilled to hear about how well your boy is doing...I know that has been a trial!
My Dh and I come from the opposite end of the planet when it comes to "things" vs "joy" And we have had major troubles with our two oldest. Our youngest on the other hand just seems to have been blessed with a good head on his shoulders and he has proven to be "unspoilable" somehow:>)
But over the years my Dh has come a long way... he claims to be a believer in the last year but he is seriously lacking in that area. Doesn't trust or anything...just has this belief that "yup, there's a God" Small steps...


Jul 16, 2008
Reaction score
Brandon, MS
That is good news about Joel. I know you are thrilled and so proud. Nothing like them leaving the nest and doing well.
You raised him well.

It is really sad about you boss..... So many people are in her same position and will never figure it out but will continue to look at people like us as if we were crazy.


Revolution in Progress
Aug 3, 2008
Reaction score
Southern California are an inspiration!

I just love all of your plans for this year! I don't know how you find the time to do it all but you amaze me :bow I want to grow up to be just like you :weee

Glad to hear that your boy is settling in, must be a big worry lifted from you.

Can you tell me about this Joel Salatin that you mention so often? I assume he is a writter, but can you tell me more?

And what about those sugar scrubs? I know you hold things things close but can you give us any hints?


Should be Sewing
Nov 19, 2008
Reaction score
I love to stare at my chickens!! I think that is why I love SS so much! You all just get it! My friends think that I am crazy just for having chickens! DH does not get it either...he wants a big screen tv and I want two milking goats! DH thinks I am whacked for wanting to build anything solar that will save on the monthly electric bill.
Most people do not understand why we have so many kids...after all if you have kids you can't have 'things'!
Praying for your boss and always havign an attitude of joy on a daily basis is the best thing you can do! I bet his wife would give all of those 'things' up if she could have a functioning family!!!

Are we chicken gazers? (Instead of star gazers. LOL!)