I love the tell the people at my work what a pleasure I get out of my life, my home, my family, my chickens....I bring the eggs to share and sell...and they often tease me and wonder where I find the time, or how I do it. Let them. They can have their Tupperware and Pampered Chef parties. I have other things to do! Maybe I do have a third eye?? I get a kick out of being me - and they arent going to fire me at my job for being different, I have that to be thankful for!! I dont care what they think, the townies....but I agree, it is nice to have someplace like this forum to share our stories as well!Beekissed said:I agree! That's why its so nice to be able to come on here and vent a little and know that there are folks that understand.
If I were to tell that to the people at work they would look at me like I had a third eye!!!I can tell it to you all and you understand...you've even done the very same things! THAT is priceless. Isn't that what we all crave, really? Someone to be a witness to our lives. Someone to share a feeling...really share it.
rosajrms said:Wow
So fun. Are your parents still living the Mother Earth News way? What a great beginning!
Your place is beautiful
FarmerChick said:I dont care what they think, the townies....
****The townies
I like that term!
I do remember that song and that is a good description. Sometimes when you see all the natural beauty around you, you just want to bust with gratefulness. A few months ago I saw a beautiful deer in the clearing as I was going up to open the chickens coop. The mist was hanging around the top of the hay, with rays of sunshine dappling through the leaves overhead. I just whispered a silent prayer thanking God for letting me see it. That was a great gift.Beekissed said:I agree! That's why its so nice to be able to come on here and vent a little and know that there are folks that understand.
Punkin, I do think that is what this is. Remember that song, "Walkin' on Sunshine"? That's what it feels like! I live in a very beautiful area and I just can't stop looking at all the beauty around me...sometimes I almost run off the road gawking at stuff!I come home to my old, scruffy rental house and marvel at how warm and inviting it is when you walk through the door. How beautiful the chickens look scattered over the orchard like pretty confetti. How the dogs look as they play and run and tussle....pure joy in every leap! That deep sense of satisfaction when you find nests full of warm, brown eggs...I practically float to the house with all the eggs in my pockets!
If I were to tell that to the people at work they would look at me like I had a third eye!!!I can tell it to you all and you understand...you've even done the very same things! THAT is priceless. Isn't that what we all crave, really? Someone to be a witness to our lives. Someone to share a feeling...really share it.