Lovin' The Homestead
My son was stung in the upper eye lid yesterday and of course I freaked out. I am very allergic and he is not but I was still very worried since he was stung in the eyelid. His eye had already swollen shut by the time in got inside. I gave him some benedryl and the swelling had gone down by this morning. ( I did call the Dr. to make sure what I was doing was ok) I was always told by my father to put a paste of baking soda and water on a sting and leave it till it dries. I have done this many times and it has always helped but I did not want to put it near DS's eye. Have any of you heard of it? Do you have other remeides that work for you. My boys have all been stung and none are allergic. I am just looking for some ideas to help with the pain or discomfort of a sting.