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- #101
Always doing laundry
9-3-11 Today I was flying solo again and inspected the hives at about 10:15 this morning. I was anxious to see how Hive 2 was doing after I added the pollen patty. When I opened it up the pollen patty was completely gone!!! I only examined the uppers today and I was very pleased to see lots of honey being capped over and the frames were definitely heavier than last time. I didn't see as much brood and no newly laid brood in the upper but some in various stages of development and some capped brood as well. I am also sure that I saw some drone cells along the bottom of one of the frames in hive 1, about 10-15 clustered together. The drone cells are higher because the drones need more room than the nurse bees. I didn't inspect the lowers at all since I was by myself but maybe next week we will inspect just the lowers if hubby can help me. Hive 2 seems to be better and I will continue to feed pollen patties for the next month or so and give them a 2:1 concentration of sugar water from here on out. A 2:1 concentration is 4lbs of sugar to 1 quart of water. If the hive is stressed and needs a boost going into winter then this is a good solution in addition to adding a pollen patty.
Here's the pictures from Hive 2, my weaker hive, as you can see they have started capping over honey which they had very little of last inspection
I forgot the new pollen patty so my darling daughter brought it to me....here's mommy's helper
When I put the baggie of sugar water in they immediately went to it looking for the openings in the bag
They also attacked the pollen patty pretty vigorously too
Now hive 1, my stronger hive is just getting sugar water for now but I may add a pollen patty just to be on the safe side before winter. The upper was only inspected on this one as well. They had brood in various stages and some capped but I didn't see any newly laid ones. Much more honey, capped and not yet capped, and lots of pollen. I'm very pleased with this one but I'm hoping to inspect the lower middle frames next weekend to see if she is still laying brood down there, if not then I'll add a pollen patty...I want as many new bees in there going into the winter as possible. The frames were pretty heavy on this one too and the bees were a bit more aggressive on this hive but it may have just been my own paranoia at having to work the hives by myself.
Here are some pictures from hive 1
They also went straight for the baggie as soon as I put it in there
Here's the pictures from Hive 2, my weaker hive, as you can see they have started capping over honey which they had very little of last inspection

I forgot the new pollen patty so my darling daughter brought it to me....here's mommy's helper

When I put the baggie of sugar water in they immediately went to it looking for the openings in the bag

They also attacked the pollen patty pretty vigorously too

Now hive 1, my stronger hive is just getting sugar water for now but I may add a pollen patty just to be on the safe side before winter. The upper was only inspected on this one as well. They had brood in various stages and some capped but I didn't see any newly laid ones. Much more honey, capped and not yet capped, and lots of pollen. I'm very pleased with this one but I'm hoping to inspect the lower middle frames next weekend to see if she is still laying brood down there, if not then I'll add a pollen patty...I want as many new bees in there going into the winter as possible. The frames were pretty heavy on this one too and the bees were a bit more aggressive on this hive but it may have just been my own paranoia at having to work the hives by myself.

Here are some pictures from hive 1

They also went straight for the baggie as soon as I put it in there