bibliophile birds
Lovin' The Homestead
we had two starve out this winter too. oddly enough it was pretty early in the season, just as we were starting to feed, but they were new colonies so i think they might have just been weak. 9 of the others came through decently even with the unusually cold weather, but we did have to feed them a couple of said:As I suspected, 2 of my hives starved out. I feel sick about not realizing soon enough last summer/fall that they were being robbed blind. One lesson learned. I fed them sugar syrup and dry sugar, but it was not enough.
3 of our hives are just total gangbusters, though. we fed them when we did our first feeding and they STILL had sugar water left from that feeding when i checked them this weekend. they happen to be the most active/aggressive bees and the only colonies that survived our big die off 3 years ago. they must be made of special stuff, those girls!
this year is going to be our first attempt at extracting honey at home. we've always robbed the bees ourself and then taken the comb to a local guy with an impressive set-up- we did help with the process, just took advantage of his equipment- but this year we wanted to do it all on-farm. it should be interesting.
i think i'm also going to try to split one of the really solid hives into a top-bar hive, our first. i'd like to trasition to about half top-bar and half Langstroth by the end of next summer.