Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
And Trust! don't forget that!Beekissed said:You know...it just occured to me that I'm going the opposite direction than most of you right now. I~ having done all the SS things, had the SS animal projects in place and all the food growing and storing tools/articles, the cellar and the place to do it~ have gotten rid of all these things. Now, in a failing economy, when most are the most interested in job security and saving money, I am quitting a job.
Here I sit...no SS backup plan, no job.Just a dog and a truck.
Here I am, in a position opposite of you, after struggling for 6 years. Finally, we are in a position to get our farm more SS, to be able to provide the basic needs for our children without struggling, and it was all in God's timing.
I think His timing for us was when we learned to be satisfied with what we had, what He had already given us.