Best All Around Dog for TEOFTWAWKI


Lovin' The Homestead
Sep 8, 2009
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I want a fila brasileiro (brazilian mastif),neopolitan mastiff,tibetan mastiff german shorthair pointer, standard poodle, black and tan coonhound, bloodhound, doberman, border collie, giant schnauzer and bichon frises. Bichons because i love them.

Any one care to break into my house? :D

If you have a ton of dog know how and dont mind having to lock up the dog when people are over get a fila.

Someday i will have a fila. They are so my dream dog. I grew up with mastiffs and miss them. Labs are nice but dont cut it.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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rotties are definatly awesome!


Almost Self-Reliant
May 24, 2010
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NW Florida
tortoise said:
RE: pulling a cart.

A good dog can put 40 times it's body weight. I have seen a 30 lb dog pull over 1,000 pounds. He is a border collie/jack russel mix.
one of her other dogs Poe was ranked in the top 10 internationally in his weight class in weight pulling in 2001, pulling around 2400 pounds or over 48 times his weight.

ETA link


Wild Hare
Nov 8, 2009
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USDA Zone 3b/4a
pinkfox said:
a SA boerboel, or cane corso, good all around farm dog, would be trained to pull a cart, help out in general on the farm and make good home and personal protection dogs. preferably will be training for schutzund and bite work and as a service dog for me.
These large sorta-mastiffs are not really suited for protection bitework. Some can get it done. When you get into these groups you can have more problems with dogs attacking cattle.

Schutzhund is a poor indicator of personal protection. Schutzhund is all about control and obedience in bitework. All training is for the very set trial exercises, with no deviation. Schutzhund dogs bite only on the hard sleeve, and no training on hidden sleeves or leg bites. A Schutzhund dog won't continue to engage after a real, unprotected bite. It's a problem for police departments that purchase SchIII dogs and expect them to be ready-to-go apprehension dogs. Schutzhund is poor training for personal protection.

Ring sports are a good step up and with creativity it can get the job gone. Really looking to an organization like PSA is where to get protection training to a level at which it is real and effective.

I know a thing or two about bitework and how untrained and trained dogs respond. People that say "my dog loves me and will protect me" make me :/ :rolleyes: :he

There is a dog trainer who has been trying to find a documented (police report) case of an untrained pet dog biting to apprehend a home invasion. Last time I checked, none.

Fluffy might go for a bite, but once it is struck, the dog is going for the hills. (Especially dobermans!!! and pit-bull-types) Bite work training includes stick hits, gun shots (blanks), physical struggle, handler down. (A dog will bite the person on the ground, even if it's the owner.)

A dog that will actually protect with sustained bite is a lot of work to maintain training.

Most people do not need a biting dog. Just a big BLACK dog that barks will work for most.


Wild Hare
Nov 8, 2009
Reaction score
USDA Zone 3b/4a
ninny said:
I want a fila brasileiro (brazilian mastif),neopolitan mastiff,tibetan mastiff german shorthair pointer, standard poodle, black and tan coonhound, bloodhound, doberman, border collie, giant schnauzer and bichon frises. Bichons because i love them.

Any one care to break into my house? :D

If you have a ton of dog know how and dont mind having to lock up the dog when people are over get a fila.

Someday i will have a fila. They are so my dream dog. I grew up with mastiffs and miss them. Labs are nice but dont cut it.
Fila Brasileiro are banned in the entire country of Brasil. Just sayin' ... I'd be worried about the pointer!! lol


Lovin' The Homestead
Sep 8, 2009
Reaction score
tortoise said:
ninny said:
I want a fila brasileiro (brazilian mastif),neopolitan mastiff,tibetan mastiff german shorthair pointer, standard poodle, black and tan coonhound, bloodhound, doberman, border collie, giant schnauzer and bichon frises. Bichons because i love them.

Any one care to break into my house? :D

If you have a ton of dog know how and dont mind having to lock up the dog when people are over get a fila.

Someday i will have a fila. They are so my dream dog. I grew up with mastiffs and miss them. Labs are nice but dont cut it.
Fila Brasileiro are banned in the entire country of Brasil. Just sayin' ... I'd be worried about the pointer!! lol
I hope that doesnt happen here! I really want one. I've never had a pointer but think it would be a nice change from the labs we have now.


Wild Hare
Nov 8, 2009
Reaction score
USDA Zone 3b/4a
ninny said:
tortoise said:
ninny said:
I want a fila brasileiro (brazilian mastif),neopolitan mastiff,tibetan mastiff german shorthair pointer, standard poodle, black and tan coonhound, bloodhound, doberman, border collie, giant schnauzer and bichon frises. Bichons because i love them.

Any one care to break into my house? :D

If you have a ton of dog know how and dont mind having to lock up the dog when people are over get a fila.

Someday i will have a fila. They are so my dream dog. I grew up with mastiffs and miss them. Labs are nice but dont cut it.
Fila Brasileiro are banned in the entire country of Brasil. Just sayin' ... I'd be worried about the pointer!! lol
I hope that doesnt happen here! I really want one. I've never had a pointer but think it would be a nice change from the labs we have now.
They do get onto breed bans occassionally. Any molosser breed is in danger of bans. They are the protection and livestock protection breeds. Nearly 300 of them.


Lovin' The Homestead
Sep 8, 2009
Reaction score
Black is the way to go. It's how the human mind works. Take labs for example. A growling black lab coming towards you is very scary. A chocolate makes you nervous and yellow you view as least threating.
The darker the color of dog the more likely you are to view it as a threat. Thats why lighter colored dogs get adopted first. My black lab mix was going to be put down just because shes is black. The pound can't adopted them out. And she was only four months old when we got her.

My favorite color is brindle. Our mastiff just disappears and scares you silly when he magically appears next to you. its' doggie camo. Black leaves a outline you can see.

Don't know if you guys have found this to be true, but for us the females usually been the more aggressive ones.

Im loving this thread!


Yard Farmer
Oct 13, 2008
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Eastern CT
That makes a lot of sense. We had a black lab/shepherd mix who was brindle. Big head like a pit bull so many believed he was a pit mix. He was the sweetest mush in the world but people were terrified of him. We were happy to let them be. Now one of our dogs is a chocolate lab/dobie mix. Has a very dobie look about him plus he's black. He's also a big mush but even scarier to people than Bear was. BIG bark. The UPS guy who usually delivers here won't come in the fence. Fine with me.


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
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Black is a dominant color so often when you cross something with a black lab, you get a black labby kinda looking dog. For awhile I was on a mission to rescue black dogs because they were put down at a higher rate locally because of so many dogs being black (also cats) and only a few people want black animals. In rescue, brindle is an unpopular color and misinformed people think anything brindle is a pit bull (even whippets!).

I think that often the "protection" a dog provides is the scare factor. I was letting my friendly rhodesian ridgeback out front for a pee one day and didn't notice a UPS man was approaching the house. The dog didn't see him either and so she was a little scared of him and gave a big bark. He just about wet his PANTS and RAN back to his truck. I followed him and called her back and told him she is friendly, and he answered me, "No, she is not!" I had to cover my laugh, it was so easy to read his lips. Dee Dee was actually probably hoping he had something to eat in that box. :lol:

In that case her bark was all it took to scare a man with a perfectly legitimate reason to be in my yard, I don't doubt she would scare someone who was there for the wrong reasons. While she is untrained, I do think she would protect us (not trying to pick a fight here Tortoise, just to explain why I think this way) because she will not allow family members to strike one another. I have two teenage boys, so believe me, they have had fights. Four of my five dogs will not allow this. The border collie will physically grab the hand of the perpetrator with her teeth and hold them gently from hitting the brother they are mad at, and she usually picks the correct boy to correct, too! And the ridgeback will not allow my husband to give me backrubs if I make too much noise, she puts her body between he and I until I reassure her I'm okay. And these same dogs have protected me from attack or bites from other dogs, they in some instances do not allow foster dogs to disobey me. I do not think they would let a person do me harm (as much as a dog is able to help of course) My border collie (as a PUPPY) would not even allow me to spank my youngest son. She would bite and hold my hand. I do not think she would let anyone attack that child. No one trained her to stop me from spanking him. I was rather annoyed at her at the time, but only for about a minute until I realized what a good dog she was being.

I'm not belittling protection training, I realize that it is a step much further beyond what my dogs are like, but I don't think what mine do is all bluff. I think that untrained dogs provide some degree of protection, obviously a lesser degree than a dog with more training. But the value of the dog is their multi-purposeness....being a ratter, being a draft animal, herding or guarding livestock, helping to hunt and retrieve game, etc.. and in the era of high powered weaponry, any size dog will bark and let you know they are coming. I would expect if your dog is a scary looking black and tan or black dog or brindle or pit bull or shepherd or hopefully rhodesian ridgeback, they will decide to not rob your house and seek easier prey or better yet give up and go home.

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