What types of things does she want to learn? I've found that one of the best ways to learn about history is to read historic novels set in the time period I wish to learn about.
here are some books off the top of my head many of these would be suitable for an older student, highschool or college
catcher in the rye
hucckelberry finn, tom sawyer and other books by < oh his name slips me
diary of anne frank
the children behind the wall
the great gatsby
notes from the underground
the death of ivan ilych
the hunchback of notre dame
the idiot
the metamorphosis
the count of monte cristo
the quest for cosmic justice sowell
happiness is a serious problem prager
think a second time prager
the federalist papers
the adams jefferson letters
animal farm
of mice and men
the odessey
the devine comedy
the republic of plato
foxes book of martyres
two lives of charlemaign
marco polo
second treastise of government locke
columbus the four voyages
the journals of captain john smith
of plymouth plantation
common sense and the rights of man thomas paine
journals of lewis and clark
the diary of benjamin franklin
the diary of thomas jefferson
the forgotten man
amusing our selves to death postman
dumbing us down
shadow university
mans search for meaning frankel
basic economics by sowell
tyranny of kindness
the vision of the self annointed
the book of virtues
the handbook of nature study
the constitution of the us
the 5000 year leap
the decline of the roman empire
the art of war
the greek myths
thank God for rocks
When DD was in Junior HS, she read among many other books:
Wuthering Heights,
Gone with the Wind and it's sequel
Stepford Wives
The whole Redwall series (she still owns every book)
There is a biography of John Steinbeck, which I loved
Travels with Charlie
DSS just read
Aztec by Gary Jennings, considering he is not much of a reader, it must be good. I haven't read it yet
[i]I looked through this book last night, it is very violent and has some strong sexually inappropriate for a young teen content. I herewith remove my recommendation for this book. O don't think I even want to read it, the parts I did read totally grossed me out[/i]
Why not just go to the library and browse. I love being able to take home an armfull of books, reading as many as I can, renewing the ones I didn't get to read or finding out that I didn't care for certain ones and just returning them, without having spent a dime (unless I returned the late, of course )
I have discovered so many topics, I didn't think to look for. I can easily spend 2-3 hours in the library, just browsing. I do that in bookstores too, but there I cannot take all the books home that interest me