If anyone has an iPad, iTouch or iPhone, what bible do you suggest? I had life tv or something on my BBerry, but am unhappy with it. I feel it's too different/preachy.
I wish e-sword would make an ap. I love it for looking up the original language.
I pretty much only use free aps, and my favorite is pocket sword. I also have you version and olive tree. They are adequate, but pocket sword has a lot more. It really depends what you want, and I'm no expert. But I like access to different translations, easy navigation, and a good search function, at the minimum. Lexicographical info is a big plus in my book. I don't care much for commentaries and such, but I think pocket sword has a lot of those kinds of things too that you download separately, and I think most or all are free.
But if they make e-sword for your device, I'd say definitely look into that one. It's always free too, though some of the translations you can download with it have a fee set by the publisher, not by e-sword.
I love YouVersion Bible Ap Keep it on my iPhone, has all translations plus many, many more features. I was on vacation and visited a church where the pastor preached from his iPhone using this ap no paper bible in hand! It rocks!