We have black and brown insects that are making me quite nervous. While I am pretty certain they are not cockroaches, I am certain our crazy landlady will see one one day and FLIP out saying that we brought cockroaches in the house. I just saw one coming out of the bathroom and I trapped it under a small cup and then got some tissue to pick it up fast. I have been able to catch most everyone seen. I saw a few more in the kitchen other times. They appear to have a slightly flat body and I think that they are brown with black ends, but they could be the other way around. over the past month, I have seen maybe 7 or 8? Maybe a few more. I am pretty certain they are getting a little bigger, but it could be me stressin over it. We are in the country. We bought 3 ~ 50 pounds of potatoes and canning jars which were in storage. These items were purchased in separate locals and the potatoes were canned up or dehydrated over the course of a few days. We have a full basement that has been damp due to lots and lots of rain, and these insects have been seen in the kitchen and bathroom, but still I am wondering where they are coming from. I found one in an old cardboard box that had canning jars in it. I am trying to remember to take a picture, but they freak me out and I catch and kill.
Can anyone help?
Can anyone help?