One more quick question. What are you guys substituting for honey? I know some use stevia. How about Agave? Or even the dreaded white sugar? Just need some alternatives.
I'm sure you could sweeten it with almost anything....Stevia by itself was not sweet enough for me, until we added berries on top, then no one could tell the difference between that and the honey/stevia mixture.
I'm sure it would be fine with sugar or agave. I am suspicious of agave, though, as it is not just cactus juice, it is processed and is very similar to HFCS by the time they are done with it. If anyone knows of a brand that is well-documented to be ok, I'd love to know about it. I think I would use white sugar first, in a pinch.
OK thanks, so what do you guys think about molasses? Same consistency. Maybe wrong flavor. I really like to make the cake. But the cost of the honey is getting to me.
If you use white sugar with a bit of molasses mixed in, it is basically brown sugar. I haven't bought brown sugar in decades, even when I was in my sugar-holic, by doing this trick. Cheap, too.