Blackberries and blueberries.


Lovin' The Homestead
May 29, 2010
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cd2675 said:
I have some questions regarding blueberries, raspberries and blackberries. I am new to all of this and am just trying to learn.

First, if they are in a raised bed, to the bramble plants still spread like crazy?
Could they be planted in a large pot to help avoid this?They may I have tried to wipe out brambles but was still finding roots at 4 feet deep you good organic people might want to skip this but i fought back with Round-up. First general spray coverage and when ever a shoot would appear a paint brush would be used It took 2 years but I won. I have never seen potted rasp or blackberries I expect they need more root room to get the moisture they need

Secondly, it sounds like blueberries would do just fine potted and only spread from seeds dropped by birds?Right I have 2 genetic drawf in pots one on either side of my front door and they get a drink every day that it does not rain I net the plants to keep the birds away from the fruit. I have never tried this pot thing with full sized bushes.

Thirdly, how do you protect all of these plants from birds?If you have a bunch you don't, a few you can net. I was lucky enough to have a nesting pair of red tailed hawks they kept the rodents away and judging from the feather drop from their tree birds were on the menu fairly often. Birds are not too dumb to realize that having a pair of flying preditors hanging around is not a good place to go for lunch! good luck with your berries~gd

Thanks for taking the time.