Reading the 17 page kefir thread - it sounds like something I would REALLY like. I've always liked plain yogurt, and especially like sour cream - as in eating spoonfuls of it when I can get away with it....
Now to see if I can find a place that I can get some quick. I only have a week left....eek!
CLO here
They make the only clo in the world that is raw and unadulterated.
Looks spendy, but a bottle lasts one person 6 months.
The difference in taking that versus store brands was astounding.
Well, had the surgery Monday. Went well, doc really was innovative this tike to try and prevent issues like hematomas and wound pressure, so this time he "bled" me - let the tourniquet off and let my knee bleed until it started to close on its own. He said it took 20 mins, longer than he expected. Sounds horrible, but the result looks good - minimal bruising and swelling, no risk of hematoma.
Tell ya what, I can definitely tell I'm low on blood. Looks like venison and spinach will be high on my list of foods. I've yet to find a pill iron that doesn't make me sick - ideas?
Did find a listing on CL for kefir grains! Also have books in my amazoncart at home to order. Doc ordered a nice Donjoy cti brace, so i can actually exercise with it eventually. I cant wait to try to get healthy naturally.