FarmerChick, I need to know how it is going with you and your oven now that you have a little practice under your belt!! 
I did end up buying one kinda like yours, but not as fancy. Got tired of this conversation:
(me)"What y'all want for dinner"
(everyone else) "PIZZA!!!!!!!!!!!!"
(me) "No oven! Hello!"
So, I relented and got one. (I had a Sears gift card burning a hole in my pocket, LOL)
I have used it a lot. I will just say, it is DIFFERENT! I haven't tried biscuits in it yet. I'll have to do that. It cooked the frozen pizza (up to 12") really well, but faster than normal!
I tried a loaf of zucchini bread in there. The zucchini bread instructions say 350 degrees for an hour. So I put it in the toaster oven at 350 and within 5 minutes, it was starting to get scorched on the top. I had to turn the oven WAY DOWN to 250, and cooked the bread for a total of 25-30 minutes and it was done! (and it was awesome, even thought the top was scorched a little)
This has GOT to be an energy saver over a regular oven, right?
Anyway, I was wondering if you had any protips for me. Mine oven didn't come with any 'manual' to speak of. Just a basic cleaning, care, and operation manual. There are no recipes and no instructions for converting from conventional to convection baking. It's WILD how much faster it goes.
Have you had any luck, FC?
I did end up buying one kinda like yours, but not as fancy. Got tired of this conversation:
(me)"What y'all want for dinner"
(everyone else) "PIZZA!!!!!!!!!!!!"
(me) "No oven! Hello!"
So, I relented and got one. (I had a Sears gift card burning a hole in my pocket, LOL)
I have used it a lot. I will just say, it is DIFFERENT! I haven't tried biscuits in it yet. I'll have to do that. It cooked the frozen pizza (up to 12") really well, but faster than normal!
I tried a loaf of zucchini bread in there. The zucchini bread instructions say 350 degrees for an hour. So I put it in the toaster oven at 350 and within 5 minutes, it was starting to get scorched on the top. I had to turn the oven WAY DOWN to 250, and cooked the bread for a total of 25-30 minutes and it was done! (and it was awesome, even thought the top was scorched a little)
This has GOT to be an energy saver over a regular oven, right?
Anyway, I was wondering if you had any protips for me. Mine oven didn't come with any 'manual' to speak of. Just a basic cleaning, care, and operation manual. There are no recipes and no instructions for converting from conventional to convection baking. It's WILD how much faster it goes.
Have you had any luck, FC?