Bread Recipes Please


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 23, 2008
Reaction score
Springbrook, Ontario
I'm making some bread, and I need some nice, easy, recipes :D I have Whole Wheat bread flour right now, so it's all about the WW.


Lovin' The Homestead
Jul 13, 2008
Reaction score
Mother Earth News had a couple of great recipes this issue. You mix it up and put it in the fridge and take out a pound @ a time and bake it. I just mixed it up today and will try it tomorrow. It seems to be a variation on the sourdough starter but is all mixed @ once. Just Google Mother Earth News and you will be able to check it out. They also had a Whole wheat version. I am very hopeful this will be good. Check it out!:fl


Lovin' The Homestead
Jul 12, 2008
Reaction score
Have you tried the ww site. They have some good recipes there on their forum. You can also go to You will also want to put some white flour with your wheat flour so to get a nice texture.
Here is a nice sandwich bread recipe all you have to do is reduce the amount of white flour by half and put half of the wheat flour in it.

Sandwich Bread

I add flax seed, ground, to this recipe, to add moisture, flavor and nutrients...but it isn't necessary.

4 cup warm water
3 Tbs yeast
1 cup honey or brown sugar (we try to avoid white sugar but you can use this as well)
2 cup white flour
1/3 cup ground flax seed~optional
1 Tbs salt
1/2 cup canola oil
4 cup wheat flour (add one cup at a time..may need more or less than 4 cups)

1 Combine these ingredients in a large bowl, mix well and let the yeast work (rise to a fluffy, bubbly mixture)
2 Knead bread until springy and still slightly moist but not sticking to your hands. Oil dough ball and bowl with canola oil, cover with towel or plastic wrap and let raise. Form into rolls, loaves or flatbread and let raise again. Bake at 350 degrees for approx. 25-30 min.

Recipe Source
How we make this into sandwich bread without all the slicing and crumbles:

Instead of making loaves, I use cookie sheets and form dough into balls, even spaced on sheet and rolled to 3/4 in. (like a flat hot roll). When baked they will raise to about 1 1/2 -2 in. thick. They are then the perfect size to slice in half for sandwiches or to fit into the toaster. You can make them any size to suit the purpose. They keep longer this way, stay moist longer than loaves and fit into ziploc bags better. You can freeze these and thaw out later for toasting, if wanted. We call this style of bread "West Virginia Flatbread"!


Lovin' The Homestead
Jul 12, 2008
Reaction score
Here is a recipe I got off of the ww site.
Featherlite Dinner Rolls

These rolls are really light and tasty. My DH just loves them.

1 cup warm water
1 1/2 t. yeast
1/4 tsp salt
1 1/2 Tbs light margarine
2 Tbs sugar
2 Tbs non-fat dry milk
3 cup flour ( allpurpose or bread)

1 Put in machine as to your breadmachine. Using dough setting. When finished shape in balls. And put in 2 pam sprayed 8 inch pans. Cover and set in warm place let rise for about 45 min. or until double.
2 Bake at 375 for 20-25 Min. Brush tops with 2 T. melted light margarine.
3 I use the spray margarine. That way I don't use as much.

Servings: 16
Yield: 16 rolls

Recipe Source
ww pts. 2 per roll


Lovin' The Homestead
Jul 12, 2008
Reaction score
Cinnamon & Brown Sugar 1 point biscuits

6 Tbs self-rising flour,
3 Tbs skim milk,
1 1/2 tsp nonfat plain yogurt
1 tsp orange juice
1/4 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp brown sugar packed

1 Mix the first 3 ingredients together and drop onto pan sprayed with cooking spray. Spray the back of a spoon with nonstick spray and make a small dip in the biscuit to hold the orange juice, add ? teaspoon orange juice to each biscuit. Mix cinnamon, brown sugar and SPLENDA together, spoon over biscuits. Bake at 425 degrees 10 to 13 min.
2 Special Notes
3 When done great with Cannot believe it`s not butter spray and a teaspoon of sugar free jelly and it is still only 1 point

Servings: 1

Recipe Source
Estimated POINTS value per serving | 1


Lovin' The Homestead
Jul 12, 2008
Reaction score
No Knead Bread

3 cups all-purpose or bread flour, more for dusting
1/4 tsp instant yeast
1 1/4 tsp salt
Cornmeal or wheat bran as needed.

1 In a large bowl combine flour, yeast and salt. Add 1 5/8 cups water, and stir until blended; dough will be shaggy and sticky. Cover bowl with plastic wrap. Let dough rest at least 12 hours, preferably about 18, at warm room temperature, about 70 degrees.
2 Dough is ready when its surface is dotted with bubbles. Lightly flour a work surface and place dough on it; sprinkle it with a little more flour and fold it over on itself once or twice. Cover loosely with plastic wrap and let rest about 15 minutes.
3 Using just enough flour to keep dough from sticking to work surface or to your fingers, gently and quickly shape dough into a ball. Generously coat a cotton towel (not terry cloth) with flour, wheat bran or cornmeal; put dough seam side down on towel and dust with more flour, bran or cornmeal. Cover with another cotton towel and let rise for about 2 hours. When it is ready, dough will be more than double in size and will not readily spring back when poked with a finger.
4 At least a half-hour before dough is ready, heat oven to 450 degrees. Put a 6- to 8-quart heavy covered pot (cast iron, enamel, Pyrex or ceramic) in oven as it heats. When dough is ready, carefully remove pot from oven. Slide your hand under towel and turn dough over into pot, seam side up; it may look like a mess, but that is O.K. Shake pan once or twice if dough is unevenly distributed; it will straighten out as it bakes. Cover with lid and bake 30 minutes, then remove lid and bake another 15 to 30 minutes, until loaf is beautifully browned. Cool on a rack.

Yield: One 1-pound loaf.

Recipe Source
Source: New York Times


Lovin' The Homestead
Jul 12, 2008
Reaction score
Basic White Bread

2 1/4 tsp active dry yeast (or 1 package)
1/2 cup water
1/3 cup sugar
2 tsp salt
2 cups water
2 1/2 Tbs shortening -- melted
6 to 7 cups AP flour

1 Dissolve yeast in 1/2 cup warm water.
2 In mixing bowl, combine sugar, salt, 2 cups water and shortening. Stir in yeast mixture. Gradually add flour to form a soft dough. Knead on Setting 2 for 2 minutes. Place in a greased bowl, cover and let rise until double in bulk, approximately 1 1/2 hours.
3 Punch down, divide into 2 portions and form loaves. Place in greased 9x5 loaf pans. Let rise until higher than pans, about 1 to 1 1/2 hours.
4 Bake at 375 degrees for 25 to 30 minutes.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 23, 2008
Reaction score
Springbrook, Ontario
I found some white bread flour, and went on the Robinhood website, they had a recipe there, tried it out, and it works GREAT. Turns out, if you use your 25 year old kenwood mixer with the dough hook, it works out REALLY GREAT LOL.

god I love my mum for saving her mixer and getting it fixed instead of buying a new one!


Lovin' The Homestead
Sep 14, 2008
Reaction score
So. California
This is my favorite whole-wheat bread recipe.

7 1/2 C whole-wheat flour
1/3 C oil
1 Tbsp salt
1 Tbsp yeast
1/3 C honey
2 greased loaf pans

In a small bowl mix the yeast with 1/4 C warm water. Sprinkle a bit
of flour on the top and cover with a paper towel to bloom. In a
large bowl, mix 2 1/2 C hot water and 3 1/4 C flour. Add oil, honey,
1/2 C flour, salt and mix. Add yeast mixture and 2- 2 1/2 C flour
and mix until it pulls away from the sides of the bowl. Turn onto a
floured surface and knead for 10mins. I find that the dough tends to
be fairly sticky and I have to add quite a bit more flour as I am
kneading. Divide into loaf pans and let rise until doubled in size.
Bake for 35-40 mins in a 350* oven. Turn out immediately onto a
cooling rack.


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
Reaction score
Mountains of WV
coopy said:
Have you tried the ww site. They have some good recipes there on their forum. You can also go to You will also want to put some white flour with your wheat flour so to get a nice texture.
Here is a nice sandwich bread recipe all you have to do is reduce the amount of white flour by half and put half of the wheat flour in it.

Sandwich Bread

I add flax seed, ground, to this recipe, to add moisture, flavor and nutrients...but it isn't necessary.

4 cup warm water
3 Tbs yeast
1 cup honey or brown sugar (we try to avoid white sugar but you can use this as well)
2 cup white flour
1/3 cup ground flax seed~optional
1 Tbs salt
1/2 cup canola oil
4 cup wheat flour (add one cup at a time..may need more or less than 4 cups)

1 Combine these ingredients in a large bowl, mix well and let the yeast work (rise to a fluffy, bubbly mixture)
2 Knead bread until springy and still slightly moist but not sticking to your hands. Oil dough ball and bowl with canola oil, cover with towel or plastic wrap and let raise. Form into rolls, loaves or flatbread and let raise again. Bake at 350 degrees for approx. 25-30 min.

Recipe Source
How we make this into sandwich bread without all the slicing and crumbles:

Instead of making loaves, I use cookie sheets and form dough into balls, even spaced on sheet and rolled to 3/4 in. (like a flat hot roll). When baked they will raise to about 1 1/2 -2 in. thick. They are then the perfect size to slice in half for sandwiches or to fit into the toaster. You can make them any size to suit the purpose. They keep longer this way, stay moist longer than loaves and fit into ziploc bags better. You can freeze these and thaw out later for toasting, if wanted. We call this style of bread "West Virginia Flatbread"!
Coopy! This is my recipe! I'm sooooo flattered! I was reading this and thought, "My! This sounds just like what I do!" :lol: :p :D

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