Frugal Homesteader
Karen, have you tried adding honey instead of sugar? It would eliminate the sugar taste, but still be sweet. And honey is a lot healthier for you.
Pioneergirl, I posted it on here was a wheat and honey (or brown sugar if having no honey) recipe. We let ours rise until its "big enough"pioneergirl said:Oh wow, I never thought of honey...BUT....using that I think we'd have to adjust the water/moisture, since sugar is a dry ingredient.
Beekissed....the recipe I have says to knead the dough, cover and let rise for 2 hours, punch down and let rise again for another hour, then bake for 30min....what is yours? I wonder if it would be better? Heck I love trying new recipes!!
Yes, Yes, Yes.Beekissed said:Since we add our flour by the cup, while kneading, we don't necessarily follow a set recipe, I guess. Making bread the old fashioned way seems to call for a pinch of that and a dash of this and kneading until it "feels" right!Guess that's what makes it so much easier than all this trying to get some recipe to work the same in all ovens, all altitudes, all humidities, with all flours. I couldn't even begin to tell you the total cups of flour that I use and I'm sure it varies each time!