Goat Whisperer

Do you have a radio in the barn?? Supposedly that is supposed to help.. In some way.. Not sure if it really does. We do, but we only have it playing when we are in milking. Sometimes I would sing to them, usually just mumbles, but unless I sang passionately, they ignored me. When I do sing decently (in my standards) they would all glare at me, as if they were telling me to shut up and let the radio do it. So who knows.
I was talking to my mom on the phone the other day. After milking she always used to smoke in the barn, but she has since tapering off and is trying to quit, so she hasn't in a long time. She said the other day she lit up after milking and all the girls were sticking their heads out the fence with their lips blubbering trying to get a whiff!! Apparently they were getting addicted all this time! Yeesh!
Yes.. Goats.