Britesea - Living the good life in rural Oregon


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 29, 2014
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Glad you caught the problem so early and didn't damage your machine at all.

The wiring in our house is so messed up. One of the previous owners were such idiots that they put in grounded outlets, but just tied them into the old, 2-wire circuit. So you see a 3 prong outlet but it is not grounded and could definitely cause a fire if overloaded. So, we know that only the tan outlets are actually grounded - the white and the black covers are not. DH will eventually get the house re-wired ... I hope.

Lazy Gardener

Super Self-Sufficient
May 14, 2017
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Central Maine, Zone 4B
I'm surprised that wasn't picked up in the home inspection prior to your purchase. I do know that those required home inspections prior to purchase are in many instances total foolishness. When my DD bought a house 2 years ago, we did a walk through before they placed an offer on the house. We picked up numerous serious electrical issues, and structural ones as well. So... they went into the purchase agreement with eyes wide open. However, the "home inspection" required by the bank came up with only an issue with the garage. They stated that the garage had to be painted (flaking ancient paint, surely lead based) and a couple of garage window panes replaced. Seriously? Thankfully SIL is skilled and was able to fix the serious issues. But, woe to the person who relies on a home inspection to insure that a house is safe, and is not mis-represented.


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 29, 2014
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Our home inspector did note the "old wiring w/ some updates". But the home inspection does not go as far as taking off cover plates and making sure the outlets are connected properly. We bought the house knowing a lot of the problems an old farmhouse has. DH ran new wiring for the TVs, and Computers just to make sure the wiring was done proper, they were grounded and we don't overload the existing circuits. The existing circuits are a mess - one outlet and one wall sconce in the study are on the circuit for the kitchen, which is completely across the house from there.


Sustainability Master
Jul 22, 2011
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Klamath County, OR
Yep. Judging by the fixtures in the bathroom when we moved in, the house was built some time in the 20's. It was probably a "summer cabin" which would explain some of the funkier things. Also, I'm guessing that the builder worked at a mill or otherwise had access to free lumber, because for instance- the ceilings throughout are solid 2x12 planks. That probably saved DH's life when a tree fell down and one of the branches came crashing through the ceiling- stopping about 6 inches from his head. We definitely have some hard-working angels around here!

In retrospect, the whole outlet issue is turning into a blessing in disguise. We had to move the freeze dryer to a better, grounded outlet, which led to stuff having to be moved. Looking at everything, I decided to do some major changes to the layout of the house and studio- something I've wanted to do for years but always felt overwhelmed by the project. A lot of it had to be done a bit at a time: move some boxes to make room for a bed, then move a desk and put the boxes where the desk was... etc. We are down to 3 smallish pieces of furniture to swap between a couple of rooms and the rooms have a much better flow now.

Now it's time to get back to work on the garden! I need to add some extra soil and amendments to one last bed and then I can plant the last of the tomatoes. I need to do another weeding, and fertilize, then finish mulching all the beds. Then we can start drilling holes in PVC for that watering system. The garden is looking better than it ever has, and I'm even starting to cast an eye to the non-vegetable areas and thinking about flowers!

I finished processing the beef chuck we bought; ended up with a gallon jar of freeze-dried beef cubes, a quart of tallow, and a quart of beef "cracklins." We had some of those in some scrambled eggs this morning. I was going to fix tongue tonight, but I forgot to take it out of the freezer last night and there's no time now. So instead, I'm making MOQUECA DE CAMAROES (brazilian shrimp stew)

Finally broke through my 230 lb plateau-- 228 lbs this morning!

Lazy Gardener

Super Self-Sufficient
May 14, 2017
Reaction score
Central Maine, Zone 4B
Congrats on all the positive moves as well as the weight loss. I find it amazing how I can be overwhelmed by a project until I make the first move towards starting it. Then, once I start, it's easy to keep the momentum going.

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