Britesea - Living the good life in rural Oregon


Sustainability Master
Jul 22, 2011
Reaction score
Klamath County, OR
I got a call from Holderreads last night at 9:30pm; apparently she didn't notice my message until she came in to fix dinner- long hours at this time of year for them! Apparently the email they sent me earlier was wrong- they have pick up orders on Weds and Thurs... She said the chicks are still hatching, so they don't know yet how many they will have. The mailed orders get priority because they were ordered before mine.

Yesterday we worked in the garden some more, even though it started raining again (not hard, but steady). DS got two beds filled with soil before it got too wet to work, and I managed to weed the strawberries. DH worked on a trellis idea we had for the peas, and a support grid for the favas (they tend to get topheavy and then the wind knocks them down and that's the end of the harvest for that plant). I finished up with rigging bird netting over the strawberries- they are covered with blossoms and I want to make sure I actually get some berries this year instead of feeding the wild birds.

Woke up extra early this morning to go to my lab appointment at the VA clinic (that's the place where you get a second chance to lay down your life for your country). They needed 5 large vials of blood. Well after sticking me 4 times and the veins collapsing or drying up, they managed to get 4 full vials and about 20% of the 5th one filled. The phlebotomist (sp?) said that the lab "might" be able to squeeze the last test out of the partial vial, but if they need me to come back in at least I won't have to fast again.
I'm not feeling really good about all the bruises I'm gonna have from this session; maybe I'll take some of the homeopathic arnica I have in the med cabinet to help with that.


Sustainability Master
Jul 22, 2011
Reaction score
Klamath County, OR
I got a call from Holderreads last night at 9:30pm; apparently she didn't notice my message until she came in to fix dinner- long hours at this time of year for them! Apparently the email they sent me earlier was wrong- they have pick up orders on Weds and Thurs... She said the chicks are still hatching, so they don't know yet how many they will have. The mailed orders get priority because they were ordered before mine.

Yesterday we worked in the garden some more, even though it started raining again (not hard, but steady). DS got two beds filled with soil before it got too wet to work, and I managed to weed the strawberries. DH worked on a trellis idea we had for the peas, and a support grid for the favas (they tend to get topheavy and then the wind knocks them down and that's the end of the harvest for that plant). I finished up with rigging bird netting over the strawberries- they are covered with blossoms and I want to make sure I actually get some berries this year instead of feeding the wild birds.

Woke up extra early this morning to go to my lab appointment at the VA clinic (that's the place where you get a second chance to lay down your life for your country). They needed 5 large vials of blood. Well after sticking me 4 times and the veins collapsing or drying up, they managed to get 4 full vials and about 20% of the 5th one filled. The phlebotomist (sp?) said that the lab "might" be able to squeeze the last test out of the partial vial, but if they need me to come back in at least I won't have to fast again.
I'm not feeling really good about all the bruises I'm gonna have from this session; maybe I'll take some of the homeopathic arnica I have in the med cabinet to help with that.


Lovin' The Homestead
Feb 16, 2014
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So true about the VA. My dad goes through the VA and we know all about the joys of dealing with them. We have a clinic just 30 miles from where he lives but to get a decent doctor he has to drive about 3 hours to a different clinic out of state. I seen on the news the other day how a VA clinic is getting sued because they had several patients die while waiting for a doctors appointment. I can't remember where this was but I though it was pretty sad and even sadder was that I didn't find this very surprising.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
So sorry about the bruises! That's not fun!
We are covering it strawberries here too! The cons style them all last year so the farm boss is having none of that this year! I can't wait for them to come in!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I heard about that happening w/the VA. That was a horrible thing to have happen. They way this country treats its vets is awful.


Sustainability Master
Jul 22, 2011
Reaction score
Klamath County, OR
I have to say I'm glad I'm not a vet living in California-- in places like Berkley they spit on you, literally. At least in rural Oregon they are proud of their vets. The local Home Depot has even designated special parking just for vets- and it's even more convenient than the handicapped parking, lol.

The problem with the VA is that so many of the people in power in the government come from a time and place (60's. hippies.) still hate veterans as "warmongers" and have made sure that the VA is very low on the list for funding. The "secret lists" etc are a direct result of that.


Sustainability Master
Jul 22, 2011
Reaction score
Klamath County, OR
End of day, and I'm feeling pleasantly satisfied with our day. I got tired of mining the 3 baskets of laundry sitting in the bedroom, so I got them folded and put away. Then, feeling like I was on a roll, I re-organized the container of towels and dishrags I have in the kitchen.
Went to Diamond Hardware to pick up our order of angle braces to finish making the grow bed frames for the garden, and picked up some connectors and hose menders etc for irrigation. I also got to pick up the wheelbarrow I won- it's actually a pretty good steel one, a bit smaller than the one I already have. Then we picked up DH's prescriptions (and that cost us $120 :ep)
Then we stopped at the nursery to get some more chili peppers and bell peppers to replace some that succumbed to damping off, as well as some basil plants.

Came home and watered the seedlings in the cold frame and discovered 2 baby cucumber fruits growing on one of the plants, so I pulled all the cucumbers out of the cold frame and put them in the ground. I wasn't intending to plant them outside until June (average last frost is May 28), but they needed to get into the ground NOW. I have them covered with some of the GrowCover I bought which should protect them from any frosts until then.

Watered salad bed, no sprouts breaking ground yet. Then spent some time weeding the peas, which ARE sprouting. DS had already watered the hazelnuts, currants and gooseberry.

Dinner is shrimp scampi pasta with kale, dessert is just some canned pineapple that didn't get used up.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
Sounds lovely except for the scripts. Awesome on the cucs! I noticed that everything but my potatoes have started to come up. Yay!

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