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- #171
Mountain Sage
Another record here at Fox Run...got a broody. Earliest broody attempt I've ever had, but I'm not surprised. The egg counts have risen quickly, the shells firmed up and the eggs sized out quicker than normal this year too. My window of opportunity to pen the rooster in the broody ward may have closed already.
I'll see if she's serious~she wouldn't get off the nest to eat and she attacked anything I stuck in her face, but would not move off the eggs~ and then I may have to get my broody ward up and running sooner than expected. She is a hen that went broody in her pullet year, which is pretty unusual here. She's a WR/BA mix and has always been a good layer, came into lay on time in her pullet year and is now showing me some good stuff by going broody early...she's 2 yrs old now.

I'll see if she's serious~she wouldn't get off the nest to eat and she attacked anything I stuck in her face, but would not move off the eggs~ and then I may have to get my broody ward up and running sooner than expected. She is a hen that went broody in her pullet year, which is pretty unusual here. She's a WR/BA mix and has always been a good layer, came into lay on time in her pullet year and is now showing me some good stuff by going broody early...she's 2 yrs old now.