Lovin' The Homestead
I bought 10 bantam blue silkies and 10 bantam eggers last year. Cackle Hatchery. First batch arrived dead. Second batch, February, lost 5. Wanted to cross them to see what happened.
Ended up with 2 egger roos, 10 egger girls, 3 silkie roos (1 with messed up toes so he's a pet) and 4 silkie girls. With all the girls, I have only one egger roos, Scout. They get along well, all those girls with Scout.
Went into the bantam pen on Friday and noticed a silkie in the same space she'd been in since morning. Moved her off and she went up to roost for the night. Same thing on Saturday. But on Sunday, she refused to move. I actually picked up this tiny little bird and found she was sitting on 3 rocks! Okay, enough! Grabbed her and all the bantam eggs that had been laid that day, plus another silkie girl, and we moved them into the garage. We had 2 dog kennels in there where the goat girls kidded, so they were all set up with hay on the ground, food and water. Put a couple of small pet carriers in there, put some hay in them, and placed the 5 eggs in one. Let Broody Girl down to walk around. Seriously ... broody-hen poop is one of the worst smells there is (in my opinion). We picked her up and placed her on the eggs and she settled right down. The other silkie slept with her in the nestbox. Also turned on a heat-fan a foot away and up, plus a red lamp to provide a little light at night. Hoping the garage mice don't eat the eggs. Will be VERY disappointed.
This morning the girls and all 5 eggs were still there. I shooed them off, gave them more grain and fresh water and went off to take care of all our other critters. Came back to find them still wandering around. Put Broody Girl back in her nestbox and she settled right down. Hope she, at some point, remembers to go back to the nest on her own.
So, today is Day 2 of 21
I'll try to add pictures as I update this.
Geez, I guess I'll have to name her now.
We had two girls go broody last year: Mama May, a black australorp, went broody in May. Lola already had a name, is a full-sized egger, and went broody in August.
Ended up with 2 egger roos, 10 egger girls, 3 silkie roos (1 with messed up toes so he's a pet) and 4 silkie girls. With all the girls, I have only one egger roos, Scout. They get along well, all those girls with Scout.
Went into the bantam pen on Friday and noticed a silkie in the same space she'd been in since morning. Moved her off and she went up to roost for the night. Same thing on Saturday. But on Sunday, she refused to move. I actually picked up this tiny little bird and found she was sitting on 3 rocks! Okay, enough! Grabbed her and all the bantam eggs that had been laid that day, plus another silkie girl, and we moved them into the garage. We had 2 dog kennels in there where the goat girls kidded, so they were all set up with hay on the ground, food and water. Put a couple of small pet carriers in there, put some hay in them, and placed the 5 eggs in one. Let Broody Girl down to walk around. Seriously ... broody-hen poop is one of the worst smells there is (in my opinion). We picked her up and placed her on the eggs and she settled right down. The other silkie slept with her in the nestbox. Also turned on a heat-fan a foot away and up, plus a red lamp to provide a little light at night. Hoping the garage mice don't eat the eggs. Will be VERY disappointed.
This morning the girls and all 5 eggs were still there. I shooed them off, gave them more grain and fresh water and went off to take care of all our other critters. Came back to find them still wandering around. Put Broody Girl back in her nestbox and she settled right down. Hope she, at some point, remembers to go back to the nest on her own.
So, today is Day 2 of 21
I'll try to add pictures as I update this.
Geez, I guess I'll have to name her now.
We had two girls go broody last year: Mama May, a black australorp, went broody in May. Lola already had a name, is a full-sized egger, and went broody in August.