Super Self-Sufficient
In the article below Deanne Criswell, head of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, stated "This is going to be our new normal", in CNN's State of the Union.
This thread is not about that statement, but I do want to say since she seems to know, and I won't say more than: "Angels Don't Play this H.A.A.R.P."
Getting to the SS discussion:
Are you prepared with a bug out bag in the situation where there is no habitable shelter anywhere?
If so what items do you have in your bag?
Do you have bug out location(s) in mind?
What skills do you have in building a shelter?
How quickly can you grab your stuff and run to the hills?
Will you take your pets?
This thread is not about that statement, but I do want to say since she seems to know, and I won't say more than: "Angels Don't Play this H.A.A.R.P."

Severe weather 'new normal,' US emergency chief warns after tornadoes
More powerful, destructive, and deadlier storms will be the "new normal" as the effects of climate change take root, the top US emergency management official said Sunday after massive tornadoes ravaged six states.
Getting to the SS discussion:
Are you prepared with a bug out bag in the situation where there is no habitable shelter anywhere?
If so what items do you have in your bag?
Do you have bug out location(s) in mind?
What skills do you have in building a shelter?
How quickly can you grab your stuff and run to the hills?
Will you take your pets?