It's not going. We got sick and it just wouldn't leave, it rained drizzly rain and it never went away. We finally felt better around Christmas, but it's been cold, we've been busy, we kept our 2 little grand daughters for a week, It has rained......and on and on..... When we do get a nice day, there is always something else that needs our attention worse than a chicken coop. Monday we got 10 loads of red dirt on the driveway, today we got (2) 20 yard loads of crushed concrete, the driveway will be finished tomorrow. Yesterday we kept the 2 year old because she had a fever and couldn't go to day care.
In a utopian world, we would have finished that coop months ago.
We had several projects that we were waiting on fall when it cooled off to do. Haha, joke is on us. It just didn't work out that way. We are getting back on track. Just need some nice days to be outside.