I suppose I should be putting this over on BYC - but I like you people better 
So, the thing is, I have a small flock - 1 New Hampshire Red hen, 1 Silver Spangled Hamburg hen - both 2 1/2 years old, the remainder of my initial flock. And the new ones, all about 6 months old - 1 Barnevelder cockerel, 1 Barnevelder pullet, and 1 EE pullet.
The flock has a secure house and run, but not very large; the run is about 100 square feet. I usually let them free range over the property during the day. But not when we are away.
And we will be away, for two weeks, starting on Saturday.
But I have just noticed (yesterday) that the cockerel is, apparently, bullying the NHR. She has scabs on her (large and floppy) comb; she spends much of her time, when confined in the run, up on the branch that is in there, so that he can't get to her. I caught him today - he had chased her, she squatted for him, and he just stood there, waiting for her to move - he didn't try to mate, he just waited until she got up so that he could chase her. He pecks at her head/comb. He doesn't seem to be as aggressive towards the others - but 2 are his "sisters", and 1 (the SSH) is much smaller.
So, I think that it is a dominance issue - the NHR is the lead hen, and he is asserting himself over her. But now I am concerned that while we are away, and they won't have the luxery of free ranging, that he might actually do some harm. Do you think my fears are justified, and is there anything I can do about it in the next day? I don't have anywhere to put her while we are away; they have to stay together. I am fairly sure that time will solve the problem, but I am concerned about the 2 weeks that we are away.
I'm not exactly sure what I am asking - maybe just for reassurance that he won't peck her to death while I am gone. My neighbour girl will be caring for them while we are gone - and she is very good - but she can only come by once a day. And, as I say, it would be difficult/impossible to isolate the hen.
Any advice/good words?

So, the thing is, I have a small flock - 1 New Hampshire Red hen, 1 Silver Spangled Hamburg hen - both 2 1/2 years old, the remainder of my initial flock. And the new ones, all about 6 months old - 1 Barnevelder cockerel, 1 Barnevelder pullet, and 1 EE pullet.
The flock has a secure house and run, but not very large; the run is about 100 square feet. I usually let them free range over the property during the day. But not when we are away.
And we will be away, for two weeks, starting on Saturday.
But I have just noticed (yesterday) that the cockerel is, apparently, bullying the NHR. She has scabs on her (large and floppy) comb; she spends much of her time, when confined in the run, up on the branch that is in there, so that he can't get to her. I caught him today - he had chased her, she squatted for him, and he just stood there, waiting for her to move - he didn't try to mate, he just waited until she got up so that he could chase her. He pecks at her head/comb. He doesn't seem to be as aggressive towards the others - but 2 are his "sisters", and 1 (the SSH) is much smaller.
So, I think that it is a dominance issue - the NHR is the lead hen, and he is asserting himself over her. But now I am concerned that while we are away, and they won't have the luxery of free ranging, that he might actually do some harm. Do you think my fears are justified, and is there anything I can do about it in the next day? I don't have anywhere to put her while we are away; they have to stay together. I am fairly sure that time will solve the problem, but I am concerned about the 2 weeks that we are away.
I'm not exactly sure what I am asking - maybe just for reassurance that he won't peck her to death while I am gone. My neighbour girl will be caring for them while we are gone - and she is very good - but she can only come by once a day. And, as I say, it would be difficult/impossible to isolate the hen.
Any advice/good words?