Lovin' The Homestead
I wouldn't buy from anyone who wouldn't let me see how their animals live. The biosecurity thing is just a cop out invented by Big Food to hide their practices from the public. No excuse for it, and no excuse for a backyard or small time grower, especially.
You needn't make a bid deal of it. Just show up to pick up your eggs and say, "Can I see your chickens?" If they say no, just find another seller and consider that first buck fifty an investment in peace of mind. I don't want to reward someone who treats their animals badly with my business.
And I wouldn't worry about how the eggs were cleaned. They are still going to be better than the store bought factory farmed stuff.
You needn't make a bid deal of it. Just show up to pick up your eggs and say, "Can I see your chickens?" If they say no, just find another seller and consider that first buck fifty an investment in peace of mind. I don't want to reward someone who treats their animals badly with my business.
And I wouldn't worry about how the eggs were cleaned. They are still going to be better than the store bought factory farmed stuff.