Then my other horse I guess I haven't spoken much of, is Java. Java is a retired thoroughbred who won a pretty penny on the race track then got dumped out when he blew out his shoulder.
He's good for light riding or the occasional trail but he's not sound for very long when you do ride him. Mostly he's just an expensive pasture pet.
I'm sure I have more pictures of him somewhere but he's John's horse so I don't coddle him.
Java is 17.1 hands. Almost 6ft tall at the shoulder.
69 inches at the lowest pay of the withers.
Over 7ft tall at the top of his ears (Long necked thing he is).
I know it's been a while since I've posted. The new batch of chickens are finally starting to lay so I had to throw together my old coops.
I didn't get pictures but we built feeders and waterers out of old Tidying Cats cat litter jugs. The waterers are the cup style, I got a 6pack for $12. Total cost for new coops and feeders/waterers $12! I recycle everything.
Here's one of the coops with its new inhabitants
The second pen has my bantam Cochins, right now frizzled and smooth hens are all together with a gold laced rooster and a black rooster. The third pen will have my Mottled Java and Marans hens with a black jersey giant rooster. My layer girls.
I've got three pens left to build! One for my Polish, one for my game hens and Kraienkoppe rooster, and one for my Bantam RIR.
This is my favorite hen, Pocket.
We're putting in new cabinets in the kitchen right now, too.
When I get a chance I'll fill y'all in on all the happenings, including the snake that got a cat, dog, and horse all in the same day. That was a big vet bill that really put us back.