Lovin' The Homestead
Give them calcium to strengthen their shells. They should have this as a regular thing, but especially if you see thin shelled eggs.
Free choice oyster shell is the best option, so they can get what they need, for whatever stage they are in. This works no matter what feed you are giving, and whether you have roosters in your flocks or not.
Also save your eggshells and don't compost them. Let them dry out, then crush them and give them back to the chickens. They'll recycle those into new eggshells.
Thin or missing eggshells is almost always a sign of calcium deficiency. It takes a lot of calcium to pump out an egg a day with a strong shell around it, since the shell is comprised of a high percentage of calcium.
Free choice oyster shell is the best option, so they can get what they need, for whatever stage they are in. This works no matter what feed you are giving, and whether you have roosters in your flocks or not.
Also save your eggshells and don't compost them. Let them dry out, then crush them and give them back to the chickens. They'll recycle those into new eggshells.
Thin or missing eggshells is almost always a sign of calcium deficiency. It takes a lot of calcium to pump out an egg a day with a strong shell around it, since the shell is comprised of a high percentage of calcium.