Calorie and food limiting diets, and weight gain Update in post 14!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Mackay said:
CJW said:
I have been on a short fast before, and I want to fast for longer. I felt great-even though it was only for a few days. Now that I am somewhat settled, I might give it a try once my next cycle comes along. (I want to do my next fast during my cycle because you should refrain from "doing the laundry" while fasting.)

The only thing I have issues with is the frequency of the enemas. :( Without enemas, the toxins and impurities that your body is purging, stay in your body. (I didn't administer them as often as I should have, but it isn't my favorite thing to do.)

All I ingested was purified water (no tap water-not even filtered tap water). When your body doesn't spend energy digesting food, it uses its resources to heal other parts of the body. That is why eating before bed isn't advised, since repair happens while you sleep.
I strongly disagree with water only fasts. It is the nutrients in juices that protect your body from free radical damage that will excellerate when fasting as your body detoxes. In our dirty world filled with chemicals not only do you have to battle the chemicals your body will start to release but also pollution you are in every day.

Green juices are the best but pamegranate and apple and grape can be taken also along with a wide variety of herbal teas.

If you really want to do a healing cleanse/fast get some Homozon and use it twice a day. You will not need to do enemas. It will clean and heal like nothing else.
More info please? I've long thought I'd like to do some kind of cleansing, but don't have a clue how.


Made in Alaska
Mar 25, 2010
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Denim Deb said:
Mackay said:
CJW said:
I have been on a short fast before, and I want to fast for longer. I felt great-even though it was only for a few days. Now that I am somewhat settled, I might give it a try once my next cycle comes along. (I want to do my next fast during my cycle because you should refrain from "doing the laundry" while fasting.)

The only thing I have issues with is the frequency of the enemas. :( Without enemas, the toxins and impurities that your body is purging, stay in your body. (I didn't administer them as often as I should have, but it isn't my favorite thing to do.)

All I ingested was purified water (no tap water-not even filtered tap water). When your body doesn't spend energy digesting food, it uses its resources to heal other parts of the body. That is why eating before bed isn't advised, since repair happens while you sleep.
I strongly disagree with water only fasts. It is the nutrients in juices that protect your body from free radical damage that will excellerate when fasting as your body detoxes. In our dirty world filled with chemicals not only do you have to battle the chemicals your body will start to release but also pollution you are in every day.

Green juices are the best but pamegranate and apple and grape can be taken also along with a wide variety of herbal teas.

If you really want to do a healing cleanse/fast get some Homozon and use it twice a day. You will not need to do enemas. It will clean and heal like nothing else.
More info please? I've long thought I'd like to do some kind of cleansing, but don't have a clue how.
Just remember that fasts are for short phases only.
Do not utilize fruit juices heavily, as those will just give you a constant sugar spike.


Made in Alaska
Mar 25, 2010
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Ok, here are the principles to RRARF.
1) Make a general assessment of your overall health. Do you feel good? Is your morning
body temperature at least close to ideal (97.8+ in your armpit first thing upon waking
up)? Do you have digestive problems like bloating or heartburn? Do you get drowsy
throughout the day? Are your emotions erratic and unpredictable? Do you have cravings
that are very strong, and feel uncontrollable at times? Can you make it through the day
without any addictive substances like caffeine, alcohol, or sugar to prop you up or make
you feel at ease? Do you have a lot of belly fat or a big gut? Do you have allergies?
Trouble sleeping? Acne? High blood pressure? A lot of aches and pains including
frequent headaches? Menstrual problems? Sexual dysfunction? Hair loss? Low
energy? Manic energy? You get the picture.

2) If you suffer few or none of the above problems, continue living your life and remember
to eat quality, nutritious, real food the majority of the time, never starve yourself, do any
extremely restricted diets, and so on. If you suffer from several of those problems, and
your body temperature is considerably lower than normal, it might be time to start giving
more to your body than you ask in return. After all, you are not fully well, and disease
and dysfunction of all kinds is typically not cured through hard work and depriving
yourself but by doing the opposite flooding your body with the tools it needs to repair
and rehabilitate itself. 37

3) The next step is to begin eating better. Eat to appetite three times per day. Meals should
be wholesome and hearty. If you are a long-time sugar and caffeine abuser, now is not
the time to stop. Take it easy on yourself. Nourish yourself well and start cutting back
your exercise to low-exertion activities like walking and stretching. Go to bed earlier if
you can. Take naps if you are tired. Dont fight yourself. Just listen and obey more so
than you ever have before. Your body knows what it needs. It is not a lazy pile of junk
that sabotages itself. No more jogging or heavy duty weightlifting. Save that for when
you have recovered. Just chill. Every day is spa day.

4) Once youve eaten well for a while, and have been resting up, it may be time to think
about going full-RRARF for a month explained later. I hate giving a specific window
of time, but I do know that full dedication cant be given for much longer. I also think
that most of the benefits of this strategy are achieved within those first 30 days. Since it
is legitimately an overfeeding strategy, where you are literally trying to eat more food
than you desire any more than 30 days of that is pretty much impossible. Plus, I want
to bring special attention to my belief that actively overfeeding is probably not something
to be done for a year or two (but only time will tell). It is a temporary strategy to get
quick gains in what otherwise mightve taken years to do eating to appetite and
exercising regularly. This is open to a lot of future experimentation. Overfeeding may
be more effective 2-weeks at a time or 1-week at a time maybe just three days at a
time. It may be better to overfeed one day per week for 30 weeks than 30 days all at once
(Intermittent Feasting!). It may be best to overfeed only at breakfast, while eating lightly
the rest of the day. The future is an open canvas in this regard.

5) Once you are done and your body temperature has been restored, its best to start
incorporating reasonable physical activity back into your program, eating only to appetite
but not actively trying to overfeed, and generally continuing a healthy and clean diet
free of most refined foods without causing yourself some kind of social anxiety over it
or letting it dictate your entire life. Yes, eat the birthday cake even the kind with
propylene glycol in the frosting.


Made in Alaska
Mar 25, 2010
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My temps are now at the following.
Morning temps are right around 97.8 and day time temps are at 98.6.

It should just be a few more days, and I can transition into moderate eating, and up my weight training by a few more minutes.


Power Conserver
Nov 7, 2010
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North Western Montana
There are many types of fasts, and I think someone should consult their physician or health care provider as to what one would be right for them, and the proper way to go through one. I am pro-active when it comes to my health, and I am glad that others are too. If the RRARF way is working, then that is great. I am just cautious because most people tend to over-eat already-just look at what a portion size is!

With that being said, here is what I was advised and some of what I did when I did my water fast:

Before my fast, I went on a vegan diet of mostly raw f&v (and only organic) for a few days so that everything in me was easy for my body to digest. I also used Dandelion Root to boost my liver, since fasting is hard on the liver. Prior to my initial enema, I drank a laxative tea. After my fast, I ate organic watermelon(and the seeds) for 2 days (great for the kidneys) along with dandelion root tea, then raw veggies and fruit and steamed nightshade veggies. I also took extra doses of probiotics to help my small intestine get an extra boost (even before I started solids). I was thinking about doing a probiotic/enzyme enema, but, well, enemas are not pleasant, so I opted out of that one.

Enemas are not only beneficial, they are necessary during fasts (after the colon is empty) because the lymphatic system can access the water from the colon and it flushes out toxins-increasing the healing process.

When I did my short fast, I didn't do them 2-3 times a day, because, well-they are not a pleasant experience. My one-per-day "bathroom adventures" were almost more than I could handle-but that is because I was completely unfamiliar with the process. Now that I am somewhat familiarized with them, I will be able to do 2-3 per day, as I should have, when I do my next fast.

I was advised to do enemas during any sort of fasting, and after it was explained to me, it makes sense to me that it should be done. The toxins will build up in your colon and you will reabsorb them. If you don't have bowel movements at least 2 times a day while fasting, your body will re-absorb the toxins, and your liver and kidneys will become stressed, and could be damaged.

If you use chlorinated or tap water, enemas are damaging, as the chlorine (and other chemicals and toxins in the water) kill the bacteria and enzymes. I use Reverse Osmosis water, but I balanced the ph so it isn't acidic.

I wouldn't mind doing a juice fast, at one point if I ever get a juicer, since I would only do raw, organic, unpasteurized juices. Enemas are still needed to flush the colon, since juices don't contain most of the the fiber needed to flush it out of the colon. And if you keep the fiber in the juice, the fiber slows down the healing process because the body uses its energy for digestion.

If we had access to no pollutants, no chemicals, etc, our bodies wouldn't benefit from fasting. Most of the food we have access to in our run of the mill grocery stores is nutrient deficient. It is nearly impossible to eat every thing that your body needs, every day, without ingesting chemicals, etc.

I live as chemical-free as possible. I would say the majority of my chemical toxicity comes from car exhaust, household building materials off-gasses and other air pollutants. The reason I fast is to rid my body of these things, as well as give my digestive system a break, since it has had a rough life. Now that I have recognized how my body needs to be fed, I know each time I fast, it will grow stronger, and I won't need to fast as often.

If you are not relatively healthy, you shouldn't water fast. If your kidneys or liver are at all compromised, it shouldn't be done until they are able to handle stress..

I think that fasting, whether it is by water or juice, is a good way to re-start your body. The weight I lost on my fast didn't come back after I was finished (unless I get contaminated, then I gain 2-3 lbs, then loose it over the next few days).

Again, consulting your health care provider on what would be best based on what you are wanting to do. I would suggest an ND, or DO, if you don't have one you see.

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