Cannabis as medicine for real, anyone?


Lovin' The Homestead
Mar 2, 2011
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S. E. WI
Back to the subject at hand..... My oldest son has advanced M.S. and lives with us. It helps with the nausea when he takes his meds. It also helps keep him moving. When he hasn't had any for awhile you notice he was "dragging" more when he tries to walk. And I feel it helps with his depression! He smokes (or vaporizer) 2-3 times a day.

I'm in my late 50's. I've inherited chronic back issues from both sides of the family. I also have hip degeneration, and good ol' arthritis setting in. I have no insurance and am allergic to opiates, which are most pain medications for severe pain. I use pot too! It may not "kill" all the pain, but at least I can live better with it and either get stuff done or sleep.

Which brings up another issue... if it were legal here, it would be easier to get "problem specific" types.

It has been used for thousands of years by most of the world.... it's only become illegal anywhere in the last 100! Hummm Some remedies you don' t even inhale or eat it... it's topical. A friend of mine said his (Mexican) grandmother makes an arthritis salve with it and it works great!

Yes, I agree, people shouldn't drive or do many other things "high". People shouldn't drive or do many other things while drinking, taking many prescription drugs, over the counter drugs, while too tired, too sick, too angry, too depressed, too..... you get the point. Bad things can happen no matter what. Sometimes bad things just happen. All in all, I think the good out weighs the bad. At least it dose for us.

BTW.... I don't care who reads this! I believe it should be legal!... at the very minimum for medical use. I have signed many papers reflecting this! I will stand by it!

Danice.... so glade it worked for you! May it help many more!

so lucky

Almost Self-Reliant
Jan 30, 2011
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SE Missouri
Legalize it, tax it when sold. Use the enforcement money on something more harmful, like meth. It was made illegal for political reasons. How liberating it would be to grow your own pain relief!


Lovin' The Homestead
May 15, 2010
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so lucky said:
Legalize it, tax it when sold. Use the enforcement money on something more harmful, like meth. It was made illegal for political reasons. How liberating it would be to grow your own pain relief!
Amen to that! It is incredibly benificial in so many ways. It helped my friend have enough of an appitite to eat when she was fighting cancer, it can help with many pains, anxiety, appitite, stress, sleep issues and much more....
I recently visited a state where it is legal medically. I tried gummie bears at night for sleep and for the first time in over 10 years I consistantly slept my entire visit.
there are reasons to pay attention to it medically. It is not the evil moster some people want you to believe it is.


Power Conserver
Nov 9, 2012
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New Mexico
FarmerChick said:
No way it should be legalized. I agree with ETR---more harm than good will come of it and people being people, they drive and hurt others and themselves.

Labs need to study it and make a tincture or whatever and take the harmful qualities out of it and market it as a medicinal product.
Until that can be done properly, I have to say no way to putting it out on the market legal.

But to say, legalize pot and have it people...heck no!

If it helps you, fine, and you stay home and reap the benefits, then keep it right there! Don't legal it out on the streets for all the weirdos to have a legal right to kill others.

It is the same with alcohol. It is legal, it is out there and it is a killer on the road. DUIs don't mean anything to anyone with a good lawyer nowadays. Pot would be no different.

Next would be legalizing opium.....and all other hallucinagenic drugs. Nope, we have to have some control somewhere.
Don't anyone take this personally, I'm just asking- and I am not a pot user or fan, just looking for other's thoughts and opinions and ideas.

Why not legalize it? The people who are smoking it and driving high, being idiots, aren't they doing it even with it being ILLEGAL? And if "we have to have some control somewhere"- how is it "control" if it is an underground activity? From what I can see, with it being illegal and underground, it just gives the cartels more power and money- where, if it were legal, WE could tax it like tobacco and take away some of the money and power from the cartels while also adding tax money to our country's deficit. Tobacco is legal, but just because it is legal doesn't mean everyone uses it, so wouldn't the same go for marijuana- if a person is going to use it, they are going to do it whether legal or not, so why not make some tax money off of it? None of my siblings or cousins smoke tobacco, most dont drink alcohol, and none smoke pot (we are all 35-25 years old)- just because a vice is legal doesnt mean everyone will do it.

so lucky

Almost Self-Reliant
Jan 30, 2011
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SE Missouri
If it were legal here, I would try it in a tea or some other form besides smoking. It is made into tinctures and capsules, etc. and would be great for sleep and pain relief. I think the country is in a mood to legalize it in the next 10 years or so. It will be interesting to see how Colorado does with their new laws.


Enjoys Recycling
Nov 10, 2012
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Yeah, that plant has lots of dis advantages but it has lots of uses also it can cure anxiousness and it could help your appetite...But this can cause harm also, when mal used!


Lovin' The Homestead
Mar 2, 2011
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S. E. WI
danielburns271 said:
Yeah, that plant has lots of dis advantages but it has lots of uses also it can cure anxiousness and it could help your appetite...But this can cause harm also, when mal used!
Let's face it, that could be said o anything! It's no better or worse than allot of things, you have to weigh your options. Look at all the warnings they put on over the counter stuff and by the time you listen to all the warnings on the prescriptions they advertise... you don't want to take them either!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Hubby and I have said that many times over these meds they advertise on TV.


Lovin' The Homestead
May 29, 2010
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danielburns271 said:
Yeah, that plant has lots of dis advantages but it has lots of uses also it can cure anxiousness and it could help your appetite...But this can cause harm also, when mal used!
Keep in mind that all pot is not the same. The weed has been genetically engineered to be way stronger year after year by some very bright folks. Cops charge by the ounce or pound so it just makes sense to make the stuff stronger so the dose can be smaller. easier to hide more doses ber pound. the bricks shiped in from mexico is crap when compared to the stuff produced in northern CA or the NW as a whole. Solar houses make the safest grow houses the power company don't know how much power you use so they can't turn you in for excessive use. and if they use thermal sensors the solar feature pretty well screw up those readings. Guess what pot only needs light while the sun is shining. Solar energy and pot were made for each other......


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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Boggity said:
Our entire nation is on drugs of some kind. We have the dopers and the Prozac crowd. If there is a major breakdown in our system to bring about a crisis these two groups will cause so much civil unrest it will create a chain reaction and chaos everywhere. The potheads and crackheads, the executive elite, and soccer moms will storm the pharmacies and Dr. offices to loot their drugs. And the drug supply will not last more than a week or two.
You see in another thread Boggity kinda pointed out a few things about 'what we are preparing for' and this is something he wrote in that post.

I see it kinda this way also. Sure lets legalize it. Then, lets legalize some other drug. And why not lets do more. Geez, we need to clean up the world and its people. not allow more useless drug use. world is going to hell in a handbasket. simple as that. if you want to legalize, sure, lets add to more chaos in this world. Oh, it is probably all about the money right? tax the drug, make money on it instead of having drug lords make all the cash. Like anything morals etc go out the window when dollars are involved. boy like we haven't seen that happening around the worlds population time and time again.

Lets keep the masses drugged up and stupid. Heaven forbid they should have a clear mind to even worry about their future or the future of this world. Nah, easier to smoke some pot and just relax and chill and screw everything. fade away from reality. Like that isn't happening all the time now.

it's everywhere. why not make it legal? everyone is doing it. Not a good enough reason for me to legalize it and never will be.
And everything in this life IS NOT about the money to me. never will be. I pray more people do think like me. But sadly, so many are doped up right now, they can't think straight, so I guess in the end everyone loses.

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