Frugal Homesteader
A lot of misinformation from people who do or have used it too! I hate to tell you this but these are withdrawl symptoms!!!Big Daddy said:There is lot's of misinformation out there, mostly from people who have never used it. Having smoked it for 30 years I can assure you it is not physically addicting. Physical addiction includes physical withdrawal symptoms. That doesn't happen with pot. It does give you a very deep longing and puts you in a bad mood for 2 or 3 days.
Okay personal experience ds#1 used it & still fights the addiction to use it again(he will for life). When dsWas using it he stole money from us to buy more. Never had any money left from his paycheck 3 days after getting paid. And he would be so lazy it was not funny. He lied constantly too. Not using it he works better & harder & has money now too. Just like other drugs & alcohol too, each individual reacts different to it. Some people can drink every day for 20 yrs & then one day stop no problem. Some people can smoke ciggs for 30+ yrs & stop cold turkey one day no problem, others can not & they don't smoke as long.
And to the person who said you can not compare pot to meth or cocain, wrong, as they are all halucinagenics. HAving been a nurse they teach you the different classes of drugs(legal & illegal). No one should drive or operate any heavy machinery after taking any of these drugs, including cold medicines & pain meds too.
Put the pot into a tincture or salve & sell it that way as then you are not getting the brain fog/damage, lung damage, liver damage(raises cholestorol), addiction & impairment issues.