Mountain Sage
One of my patients is an old Mennonite lady who is 94. Her daughter and I have discussions all the time about putting up food, gardens, etc.
We were discussing canning deer meat and she said they have never owned a pressure canner and have processed meat all these years in a boiling water bath! I had been thinking of this myself and had asked my mother about it earlier this year. She had never tried it without a pressure canner, so she couldn't say.
I would like to try it and will be doing this tomorrow evening. My mom said that she has been doing corn for years in a boiling water bath because, when she did it in a pressure canner, the corn came out looking brown and was tasteless and mushy. So, all these years she has been canning corn in a boiling water bath. No mishaps yet, with nine kids over 57 years. No mishaps for the Mennonite family over who knows how many years!
Mom says to boil it hot and for a long time, suggested around 90 minutes. Anyone else ever did this? Now, don't get all hopped up on telling me how dangerous it may be....I'm going to try it anyway.
Just want to know if anyone has ever tried it besides the Mennonite ladies who have lived so very long and healthy! 
We were discussing canning deer meat and she said they have never owned a pressure canner and have processed meat all these years in a boiling water bath! I had been thinking of this myself and had asked my mother about it earlier this year. She had never tried it without a pressure canner, so she couldn't say.
I would like to try it and will be doing this tomorrow evening. My mom said that she has been doing corn for years in a boiling water bath because, when she did it in a pressure canner, the corn came out looking brown and was tasteless and mushy. So, all these years she has been canning corn in a boiling water bath. No mishaps yet, with nine kids over 57 years. No mishaps for the Mennonite family over who knows how many years!
Mom says to boil it hot and for a long time, suggested around 90 minutes. Anyone else ever did this? Now, don't get all hopped up on telling me how dangerous it may be....I'm going to try it anyway.