Grumpy Pumpkin
Enjoys Recycling
First, let me start by saying that this is my first evening on this website. I stumbled on it completely by accident. I have been thumbing through the content for about an hour now. Everything is so interesting!! Thank you to every single person who is contributing all this useful information I have toyed with various things on here from making my own bread (the organic mixes were the best result for me) to a vegetable garden (this is my second year at it with medium results) and am so glad to find people with the same interest. I have no domestic training at all, my mom had no idea how to cook and we never grew anything, so I really had no direction but what I read in small pamphlets at the supermarket. I think doing what we can to take care of ourselves and rely on ourselves is great and somewhere we have lost those lessons that used to be passed down through generations.
That being said, something I have always been curious about is canning. I tried to can tomatoes last year (my first crop) but my mom said I would suffer from botchulism (please excuse the spelling) if I actually ate them so I was afraid. I boiled the jars, boiled the tomatoes and then boiled the tomatoes in the jars. So much misguidance, I just do not know where to start. I want to start simple and I mean simple....I do not even know how to sterilize although I have heard that the dishwasher can do it. Maybe pickles, jams, stews. I saw a photo from someone's well stocked pantry and think that is so fabulous but i have realistic expectations for myself and also want to know maybe what to plant next year to ensure cans a plenty for the winter. Any suggestions on where to start?? Any help would sure be appreciated for someone who is just getting started
That being said, something I have always been curious about is canning. I tried to can tomatoes last year (my first crop) but my mom said I would suffer from botchulism (please excuse the spelling) if I actually ate them so I was afraid. I boiled the jars, boiled the tomatoes and then boiled the tomatoes in the jars. So much misguidance, I just do not know where to start. I want to start simple and I mean simple....I do not even know how to sterilize although I have heard that the dishwasher can do it. Maybe pickles, jams, stews. I saw a photo from someone's well stocked pantry and think that is so fabulous but i have realistic expectations for myself and also want to know maybe what to plant next year to ensure cans a plenty for the winter. Any suggestions on where to start?? Any help would sure be appreciated for someone who is just getting started