Mountain Sage
I don't can green beans because I detest them.
But corn is canned with a slice of green tomato at the top of each jar and I boil for 30-45 min.

Me too! Growing up my Ma never used one, but she only canned fruits, jams, pickles, kraut and most veggies with a water bath canner. She never did meat, potatoes, corn or mushrooms. I did try a pressure canner once for green beans, but by the time it got up to pressure and stayed the required time, then cooled down, then too reheat for eating the beans were nearly mush. So I stick with the water bath and have canned this way for 25 years. I have canned beef and chicken broth and spaghetti sauce (Ragu look out) in my water bath and all turned out great. And I don't even use the water bath for my jams, pickles or kraut. Pickles and kraut-put fresh raw ingredients into jar and cover with boiling brine, top with flat lid then screw on ring. In about a month to 6 weeks, they are ready.big brown horse said:Me neither!Beekissed said:I don't pressure can either ......![]()
I know what you mean Ladychef, I call the kids over to my house now and then to learn something new that is old.Ldychef2k said:I had been reorganizing my jars and I was just overwhelmed by the sense of gratitude to the Lord for the provision He has made for me. It was right there in front of me, the bounty of it all. And I also felt that connection to the women who went before me, those who cared for their families under some pretty harsh conditions. Conditions that some of the women here are voluntarily reproducing in their lives today. What an honor to know you and to see how YOU honor the traditions of our past.