Sounds just like one of my days - well except - when it happens to someone else it seems to make me feel better. Think maybe it has something to do with that Whew - its not just me feeling I get.
Hope the turkeys get better. I have never raised turkeys before - so I have no clue.
I don't have cabbage (it just didn't grow this year). But my late english pea experiment was looking so good and I was really starting to think I might make some. Went out about 3 weeks ago and all my plants were gone.
Rabbits ate each and everyone. 
Hope the turkeys get better. I have never raised turkeys before - so I have no clue.
I don't have cabbage (it just didn't grow this year). But my late english pea experiment was looking so good and I was really starting to think I might make some. Went out about 3 weeks ago and all my plants were gone.