Doubt it... I believe in growing big plants, weeds included. Its been to wet to get in my summer garden and knock these down hope to this weekend. If I'm over the funk by then. I'm taking fish antibiotics 500MG amoxicillin twice daily and its working well
Its a wicked one, daughter in law is bringing grand daughters over to spend the night. Faint sound of the seasons first tornado sirens going off all around us, but to the east.
I don't like seeing black on the radar welcome to southern IL.
We had a fierce little thunderstorm last night here in Northeastern WI, forecast for today is 30 mph winds from the east. that means the Lake Michigan tide will be up and there will be flooding along the lakeshore.
Calm and cool this morning with a light rain, we lost power just as I scrambled the eggs in the bowl but before I could cook them. They are in the fridge - I had cornflakes for breakfast and a sponge bath before going to work...