Cecilia's Journal


Almost Self-Reliant
May 10, 2021
Reaction score
USDA zone 5b
My midwife wants me to start building colostrum stores at 30 weeks. I guess we will see how that goes… tandem style feeds might be best when babes are here.


Almost Self-Reliant
May 10, 2021
Reaction score
USDA zone 5b
On today’s episode of “Cecilia’s life can’t get any crazier” I come to you with this story. I was typing on SS as I went to put the cows and chickens away. Gigi isn’t home tonight, that’s important for later. Anyway chickens are accounted for and I get underneath the coop to get the feed so the mice can’t eat it. As I climb under I quickly realized I cannot climb out. I am pregnant and therefore I am stuck. And I mean STUCK. Unfortunately I had to call my jackass neighbor to come help me. (If you want the story about him I can share that too. He’s a total d/ck.) So yes, I was stuck under the chicken coop as an old man on a palomino pulls me out. So Embarrassing 🙈.


Almost Self-Reliant
May 10, 2021
Reaction score
USDA zone 5b
You won today 😆 The mental image is awesome 😆 Not fun in the moment, I can imagine! I think I would have waited rather than ask a neighbor for help, but I am stupid like that 😆
I was scared if I didn’t call him the mice would climb on my back 🤮. They are EVERYWHERE, but I feel bad for them because they’re just hungry 🥺


Almost Self-Reliant
Mar 16, 2021
Reaction score
Kenai Peninsula
Super shudders on being stuck and covered with mice...

But moving on. ;)

I would go same crib unless its not working, then add a divider or another crib. Cribs are HUGE compared to babies!
I vote gender neutral and clothes share too. You'll know which is which when you change diapers. 🤣

We co-slept with our kids. But we had a handmade co-sleeper... and then with a bigger bedroom we used the crib tied to the bed. Pretty much some way to have the kid next to you, but no risk of the kid falling off the bed.

As they got older, they tended to bedshare with each other until they were ready for their own mattress. So maybe about age 6???

And @tortoise is so right. All of the cute stuff that they SAY you need, is just marketing.

My older sis started life sleeping in a dresser drawer. I started out in a clothes basket.

Once I figured out the marketing thing... babies were very inexpensive.

Breastfed, expensive car seat (yes to that one), used clothes from the thrift store.

No baby food, they ate what we were eating. And we held them ALL THE TIME. So we did use the sling and a baby backpack.

We never had bottles or pacifiers. Actually, eldest had to have milk while mom was in class, but the baby wouldn't drink from a bottle... he drank fine from a cup. Silly baby.


Wild Hare
Nov 8, 2009
Reaction score
USDA Zone 3b/4a
I'm a hug fan of bedsharing (safely). When DS14 was a baby, my XDH (soon to be ex at the time) and I didn't live together so cosleeping was easy. It was summer so I just didn't sleep with a blanket or pillow. I used a bedrail of some kind on he far side of the bed, I remember researching it but don't remember exactly what it was. He was such a good baby, I could just sleep topless and he would nurse on his own, I didn't even have to wake up - starting about 3 months old.

With DS6 I ended up not being able to bedshare the way I had hoped. People who haven't experienced it cannot understand the sleep of a breastfeeding bedsharing mother. We do not move in our sleep. We don't roll over. We don't kick. I have a hypermobility disorder - undiagnosed at the time, and worse after a second pregnancy. Not changing positions due to bedsharing ended up giving me severe arm/shoulder/back pain and nerve compression. DS6 did periodic breathing, just shy of apnea. Every time his breathing paused I woke up. Every. Single. Time. Between and sleep deprivation it was just not working for me.

We attached the crib to the side of our bed to make it a cosleeper and used pool noodles wedged in tightly to fill the gap between the crib and the bed. I still had pain and mobility problems (for a couple years), so I wasn't able to pick him up while in bed, to move him toward me. I ended up moving the crib to the nearest wall. He slept in our room (officially) until 2 years old.

I started sleeping in a different bed/bedroom due to chronic pain, but DS6 continued to sleep with DH. About age 4 he would get up in the middle of the night and crawl into DH's bed. About 5 years old he was able to sleep alone most of the time, but with a light on. Now at 6 he can go to bed in the dark and sleep alone. This seems to be biologically appropriate sleep habits from everything I've read and from hearing experiences from other parents.