Cell Phones???


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 12, 2008
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NOT Southern, Ca. :)
Oooo thats a smokin deal Sylvie.

I went and got my magic jack today. Its all plugged in and working great. I broke it in with a 60 minute call to my mom.

I paid 39.00 for it at my local drug store. I did not want to go to wally world for it. I know I would have bought stuff I don't need. so in reality it was a good deal. I paid 1 buck extra when I registered it for the "Even if your dog eats it" insurance plan. I think it will save me in the long run. I am going to call att tomorrow and price out the long distance plan just to see how much I am saving.

I guess I could have done that first but oh well.



Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
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SE Indiana
Congrats on the Magic Jack. I wondered a few times how those worked...and IF they worked!;)
I have to admit...I have a cell phone...and I wont be getting rid of it any time soon. I really depend on it....alot. When hubby goes to work...I am here alone. IF I need to go outside after dark, my cell is on and in my pocket....when I am working in the barn, or around the animals, alone...its on and in my pocket. Going to town...same...I always have it on me. I sell quite a few chickens, and do farm animal rescue. I am outside ALOT...and cant afford to miss a call. What if I missed a call on an ER rescue...and the animal was lost...because I missed the call. Nope...I will spend the little extra to have my peace of mind. Besides....its only $50.00 a month.
Jan 24, 2009
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It's funny how we never needed them before, but you are so right. What if you got kicked and your leg was shattered. Use the phone and call for help. Beats Lassie every time. When I was a kid I didn't mind walking 2 miles in the snow if my car broke down. Now I would probably freeze to death. I still think texting is beyond stupid, but cell phones are kind of like the horseless carriage was.

Just think of all those movies where the phone line gets cut and you can't call for help. They could have used a cell phone.


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 12, 2008
Reaction score
NOT Southern, Ca. :)
justusnak said:
Congrats on the Magic Jack. I wondered a few times how those worked...and IF they worked!;)
I have to admit...I have a cell phone...and I wont be getting rid of it any time soon. I really depend on it....alot. When hubby goes to work...I am here alone. IF I need to go outside after dark, my cell is on and in my pocket....when I am working in the barn, or around the animals, alone...its on and in my pocket. Going to town...same...I always have it on me. I sell quite a few chickens, and do farm animal rescue. I am outside ALOT...and cant afford to miss a call. What if I missed a call on an ER rescue...and the animal was lost...because I missed the call. Nope...I will spend the little extra to have my peace of mind. Besides....its only $50.00 a month.
Ugg now you remind me of the time I almost got stuck in the hen house. I did have my cell but I managed to unlatch the door. There was no way I was squeezing through the little hen door.

I guess it really is a safety issue. A comfort thing to know if anything happens your just one phone call away from help.

I guess I will give that up for a while. :idunno


Sourdough Slave
Oct 30, 2008
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Up-the-Creek said:
What did we all do before cell phones??? If we were driving a back road and broke down, we walked to the nearest house or waited till someone come by. I know,..people have issues because its "not safe" anymore. Was it really any safer 20 or 30 years ago??? I don't think so. Weirdos have been around since the dawn of time and they are never going away. As far as having one in an emergency,..I had one for three years and never had an emergency so big that I had to have a phone on me(the one day I did need it,I had no signal). The kids having cell phones,..I used to think it was a grand idea,..not anymore. Just one more distraction to keep them from getting a good education. I had enough one day when I figured out that I no longer could actually be by myself,..someone always knew exactly where I was at at all times. Enough was enough,..I put out over 400$ to terminate 3 cell lines. Never again,..my DH has one and I would love to run it over with my truck, but he "needs" it. I guess though it is all in what you need. I will stick with basic landline and that is only because my kids are in school and they may need me for something. When they are grown,...no more phones at all for me.
LOL, I agree. If I could live completely phone-free I would. I just don't think it would be all that convenient.

No cell phone here either. My husband has one and I have had to borrow it once or twice for various reasons . . . but not because I wanted to.

It amazes me what frivolous calls people will make with cell phones. As in . . . I was going to meet someone at a pre-agreed upon location and at a pre-agreed upon time, but they STILL called me (while I was driving to meet them, no less . . . so I had to pull over to take the call). :rolleyes:

Sure, maybe it would be good to have one in an emergency, but the time I would most need one -- such as hiking alone in the backwoods -- would be the time it would not get reception. You just cannot rely on a cell phone to save your life. :p


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
To put this in perspective.....I didn't have a phone until I was 22 years old and my folks still didn't have one until I had turned 28--then I had one installed in their house and paid for it for years. It is still in my name nearly 15 years later! And, no...I'm not 70! Only 43.

We lived, drove, worked, had children in our homes and every other activity of life without phones. Heck, we did it without electricity or running water too.

It's all in how you look at it, I guess. I like having a phone, I guess, as it seems more necessary in today's world for no other reason than because everyone else has one and just MUST contact you all the time!

Back when I was young, it was not uncommon for many folks to not have phones. My grandma could only have a phone if she was on a party line.

I still hate hearing the phone ring in my house....it is such an intrusive, rude sound! :tongue


Sourdough Slave
Oct 30, 2008
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LOL, Beekissed. I sometimes scream and rant, while my phone is ringing . . . especially if I am wrist deep in sticky bread dough! The thing is, I rarely am just sitting around . . . you know, waiting for the phone to ring . . . I am usually in the middle of doing something and the phone is just an annoyance . . . usually it is someone who doesn't have much to say anyway. :p


Lovin' The Homestead
Oct 10, 2009
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Not having phones or running water until about 20 years ago! Where did you grow up? My grandparents are in their 80s and they had phones and indoor plumbing all their lives. So did my parents. To be honest, I didn't think their were any places left in the US without these animities. Just my ignorance.


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
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Missouri USA
Didn't you know? Bee lived under a log out back in the woods until she was about 20. :lol: :gig :lol:
Jan 24, 2009
Reaction score
I can see that. Some people have houses that are not easily accessible and it cost a lot to run service. However I believe there was a law passed in the 70's sometime that required phone companies to run the lines at no cost. As for running water there's a few people on BYC that cart water from a pond or something. I would never do that unless there was some situation like a nuclear winter or something. Different strokes ya know.

If I ever get where I don't want people calling me I'll turn the ringer off. I'll always have a means of contacting help if I need it.

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