A Major Squash & Pumpkin Lover
Awesome!!the funny farm6 said:I DID IT!!
Turned out great! Gave a 1/2 oz jar to my neighbor for a christmas gift, and she loves it.
Awesome!!the funny farm6 said:I DID IT!!
Turned out great! Gave a 1/2 oz jar to my neighbor for a christmas gift, and she loves it.
That looks great!hqueen13 said:me&: This is the recipe that I found that I want to make: I'll be working on the 'Cadillac' recipe, not the other one (yuck, vegatable oil!). The whole reason is that my sister's friend makes them, and uses EO's in them, but not super high quality ones I don't think. While my mom was staying with us I was letting her use my really good EO's, and it was REALLY helping her hands with her arthritis. She was wondering outloud if we could get some of the better oils to my sister's friend to make a custom blend. About a week later, I stumbled on Frugal Kiwi's site, and that recipe, and tada, now I'm going to make them (what the heck am I getting myself into!??!
Your concept of balm is interesting, I might have to also try that at some point, too. What the heck! Try it all!
FF Congrats!!!I am jealous! I have to get my supplies and then I can start.... I'm all nervous and waiting and excited! LOL
I want to clarify myselfme&thegals said:I love grapeseed oil and safflower also, but I will be removing them as I've been having problems this summer with the balms going rancid after 2 days in the sun at each market.