Mountain Sage
Free, I would have loved to do that! What an opportunity to share your skills! 
We had a thread about this some time ago but it kind of petered out somewhere.....
I would love to do much more than I do, but working all the time kind of puts a damper on a lot of what I would LIKE to do with my time! Now I sort of consider my job as a sort of pay is the lowest I've made in many years and I have no benefits. My hours are not normal and I give way more than I ever get paid for, so I try to reason that my job is also a sort of ministry for me. That makes me feel better about earning so little and working so that allowed?
Hospice work has so many opportunities to give more than just what the job requires, so I'm guessing that God has placed me here for a reason. With that thought in my mind, I don't worry about the low pay and lack of health benefits. God will provide!
I really only like to contribute to those types of projects that benefit my local community. I've always felt that, if one cannot take care of your family and community, it doesn't make any sense to send your money to some other place. If everyone would take care of their local community, no one would NEED to send money to others except in the event of disasters and such.
I donate money and two days of extremely hard work to the firewood ministry that our church does. People come from as far as New York and D.C. to work with us and we provide wood for people in two counties. Some of these people cannot afford wood, nor can they cut their own anymore due to health reasons. I wish more local churches would join funds and work with us for this very worthy ministry.
I am trying to get my church to have a garden ministry but they just do not want one. Very frustrating!
I also donate food and fresh eggs to the local Christian Assistance Network as often as I they helped me one winter when I was out of work and out of food. For that I was extremely grateful and you could never know how that few bags of food helped my flagging spirits!
My kids and I also donate work to those who need it and cannot afford to hire it. We don't have much money but we do have strong bodies that can work, so this is what we usually give.
Sometimes I run across a single mom in need of money for car repairs or utilities and I always try to help them if I can. I've been there and it isn't a good place to be. Many a night I cried into my pillow worrying about how to keep a roof over my kids' heads and food on our table. I thank God for all the good Samaritans who helped me in little ways over the years!
I happen to think that volunteering and helping others keeps one's soul healthy. It really feels good to help others in this life! I have been taken advantage of a time or two over the years when I helped someone, but it didn't take away from the feeling I got giving of myself. I didn't really do it for THEM, but for me.
I know that sounds selfish but I like to give. Of course, it makes it sooooo much better if you can give to someone who appreciates it but I still feel good helping others.
We had a thread about this some time ago but it kind of petered out somewhere.....
I would love to do much more than I do, but working all the time kind of puts a damper on a lot of what I would LIKE to do with my time! Now I sort of consider my job as a sort of pay is the lowest I've made in many years and I have no benefits. My hours are not normal and I give way more than I ever get paid for, so I try to reason that my job is also a sort of ministry for me. That makes me feel better about earning so little and working so that allowed?

Hospice work has so many opportunities to give more than just what the job requires, so I'm guessing that God has placed me here for a reason. With that thought in my mind, I don't worry about the low pay and lack of health benefits. God will provide!
I really only like to contribute to those types of projects that benefit my local community. I've always felt that, if one cannot take care of your family and community, it doesn't make any sense to send your money to some other place. If everyone would take care of their local community, no one would NEED to send money to others except in the event of disasters and such.
I donate money and two days of extremely hard work to the firewood ministry that our church does. People come from as far as New York and D.C. to work with us and we provide wood for people in two counties. Some of these people cannot afford wood, nor can they cut their own anymore due to health reasons. I wish more local churches would join funds and work with us for this very worthy ministry.
I am trying to get my church to have a garden ministry but they just do not want one. Very frustrating!
I also donate food and fresh eggs to the local Christian Assistance Network as often as I they helped me one winter when I was out of work and out of food. For that I was extremely grateful and you could never know how that few bags of food helped my flagging spirits!
My kids and I also donate work to those who need it and cannot afford to hire it. We don't have much money but we do have strong bodies that can work, so this is what we usually give.
Sometimes I run across a single mom in need of money for car repairs or utilities and I always try to help them if I can. I've been there and it isn't a good place to be. Many a night I cried into my pillow worrying about how to keep a roof over my kids' heads and food on our table. I thank God for all the good Samaritans who helped me in little ways over the years!
I happen to think that volunteering and helping others keeps one's soul healthy. It really feels good to help others in this life! I have been taken advantage of a time or two over the years when I helped someone, but it didn't take away from the feeling I got giving of myself. I didn't really do it for THEM, but for me.
I know that sounds selfish but I like to give. Of course, it makes it sooooo much better if you can give to someone who appreciates it but I still feel good helping others.