Swiss Army Wife
I used to love fried chicken livers as a kid! Then when I was an adult and living on my own I decided to fry some up. Once I prepared them I couldn't eat them anymore. 

What a brilliant policy! That is certainly using your head!Niele da Kine said:For really cheap meat, we do a lot of "rooster returns". There are four Rhode Island Red hens in our backyard and one RIR roo. There's more eggs than the two of us can eat so we hatch some in one of those small tabletop incubators. I sell the chicks straight run with a "rooster return" policy. If it turns into a rooster and you didn't want any roosters, bring them back and I'll refund your money. So, the folks who buy the chicks from me not only let me use their money for six months, but they bring me nice young tender roosters - that I didn't have to pay to feed up to frying size. Sometimes they bring me extra roosters they don't want that I didn't sell them and just give them to me for free. We eat a lot of rooster! Chicken soup cures crowing - guaranteed!
and he pawns them off on unsuspecting friendsAsk Bourbon Red, he raises and processes geese.